When you feel you are SO FAR from your biggest goal.. when you look back at EVERYTHING that you did that “didn’t work,” or not the way you imagined…
When you see what’s possible because you see OTHERS achieve it but you waver when you REALLY consider if it’s possible for you…
and you feel like you’re JUST MISSING something critical,
read this.
The first thing you need to know is that all of that hustle you’ve been doing… the launches that flopped, the blogging you’ve unleashed that seemed to go unnoticed, the day in day out effort…. were not wasted.
Each HOUR of hustle,
leaves behind a certain residue,
much like the sweat you leave on the floor when working out,
and this residue,
builds up,
In a very tangible, practical way.
This is why entrepreneurs are encouraged to FAIL FAST. Because the RUBBLE of each failure, piles up. My advice: Pile it up, woman… and then stand on it and keep building.
Hint: This is the foundation that those overnight successes you’re watching… are standing on. THIS is how we broke through and are standing so tall. It’s no house of cards or some ladder you don’t have access to… We’re all standing on the MASS of residue left behind due to our own hustle. Some mountains are taller than others.
While “overnight” successes are akin to the garden that FINALLY blooms or the boobs that FINALLY appear, seemingly overnight… a lot has been going on under the surface for a long time.
If this discourages you,
as it used to discourage me,
thinking, “NO don’t tell me I have to KEEP waiting!!!”
I need you to remember:
You are MUCH farther into your journey than you think. You’ve been building this, piling up rubble for longer than you want to remember. YOUR breakthrough, overnight success story is WAY closer
could be WAY closer
than you can imagine.
Here are 5 things you can do to SPEED IT UP substantially, listed in no particular order:
🧠 DECIDE the level of success you WILL create,
After all, why her… and not you?
Decide that it’s possible,
that it’s possible for YOU
and — simply — that you WILL.
I have grown to roll my eyes at “you can do it!” comments. Like, I KNOW I can do it, fool. It’s only a matter of WILL I do it?
Truth be told, sometimes I frustrate myself regarding what I’m not WILLING to do. I’m a woefully stubborn woman. I insist on my own way, my own preferences. In some cases this SPEEDS my success and in some, it makes me walk longer miles up hill… but I get to walk the entire way on my own terms so I’ll take it.
Just decide what you want,
and if you are WiLLING to do what it takes to have or experience it.
And then…
decide, commit, make a pinky promise to your soul…
that you WILL.
🏔 TRUST in your Foundation. 🏔
As I started out saying in this article, if YOUR foundation, that pile of rubble you’re standing atop right now was built with hustle, heart and habits… It’s a SURE foundation.
It’s solid.
And you can trust it to hold you,
to provide you with new perspective,
and propel you into new levels of success.
Do NOT doubt the foundation EVERY moment up until now has afforded you. Don’t dishonor your own hustle. TRUST it to support you.
So, keep it up.
Of course.
Because you’re not done yet.
You didn’t come this far just to come this far.
Keep hustling.
Hustle with HEART,
as is your habit.
But UP your expectations. Increase what you EXPECT from your business. After all, it’s not a baby business any more. It can handle more responsibility today than it did yesterday. It can handle GROWN WOMAN stuff. It can handle REAL goals. It can take BIG GIRL steps. No more crawling.
What if we always celebrated our babies CRAWLING but never expected them to walk confidently???? Can you imagine how that would stunt their growth? If every time they stumbled, we brought them back to their knees… you know, where they are safe and won’t be disappointed?
THIS is what we do to our business when we don’t continually trust it for MORE.
Sticking with the baby learning to walk analogy, SURE we celebrate them taking one step and then three steps and then five.
We applaud loudly,
clapping and oohing and aching over what a BIG girl she is.
But then we anchor it in.
Because we know she can walk five steps we make that our customary, normal expectation of her.
In fact, if a child who COULD walk 5 steps or 10 steps on Tuesday…. “forgot” and went backwards, never doing it again…. even for a FEW DAYS, we’d take them to the pediatrician. It doesn’t make sense.
But we have a hard time with business because when we have a HUGE month, we anchor it in as SUCH an anomaly, such a “aberrant” thing… that — honestly — we’d be SURPRISED to reach it again.
What if we celebrated it
and then ETCHED it into our expectations as a new normal, a new baseline?
I do this in two ways.
1) I use the journal prompt: It is normal for me to ____________________ OR I am the kind of woman who ______________________.
2) I change my thinking to lock in my accomplishment, training myself to remember: Because I did _________________, I know I can…. IMMEDIATELY locking in another bigger goal.
Hint: Sometimes that’s the key. QUICKLY setting your sights on something that DEMANDS you stand on your latest “personal best.”
Lastly, you must CHOOSE to embrace a gratitude for your new level of success… at the same time for a desire for MORE.
For the former, it helps if you can remember that there are people out there dreaming of reading the success you have RIGHT NOW.
I see a lot of women right now aiming for $5K per month in their business. I remember IN LIVING COLOR pining after that same first milestone in my own business. Today, I can’t imagine what would have to go SO WRONG for me to only make $5K –or even way more, exponentially — in my business.
So, let’s hold that — gratitude for where you are RIGHT NOW — in tandem with:
I make NO apologies for wanting EVERYTHING God has for me on this Earth. I want my FULL destiny, I want to EXHAUST, STRETCH my own possibilities. I want to live fully… holding nothing back, NEVER accepting LESS than God has in store for me.
So, while I hold absolute gratitude in one hand I ALSO make myself AWARE that there are other people who can not imagine what would have to go wrong in their business in order to ONLY make $40K a month in business, or even $100K per month in their business.
GRATITUDE and DESIRE are two sides of an extremely valuable coin.
P.S. If you are NOT a woman who wows… YET,
but are getting that feeling that maybe you should be,
message me.
But be forewarned:
I’m here to invite you to do more,
to be more,
so you can reap the rewards
and have the life,
the business,
the pride,
that you’ve been dreaming of.
Accept NOTHING less.