“I just don’t trust anyone else to do it, that’s all” That quote is from the movie Armageddon, said by Harry Stamper when the fate of the world was literally laid in his lap. My husband calls them “crunch players”… the player that wants the ball when one basket determines the championship game…. the player
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Archives for June 2010
Refusing to LOSE
Winning in business often times comes down what my parents called “staying hungry”. I’m not sure where they got that analogy from, but as I type it I can hear the Rocky theme song in my head, “Staying tough, staying hungry”…. I want to share some strategies that will help you WIN in business…. help
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Required to Search: Strength from the Struggle
I just read an e-zine from Adam Urbanski of www.themarketingmentors.com and it reminded me of a wonderful story of a farmer… and how this applies to our business. Here is the condensed version: (I am summarizing.) After a season of much higher rainfall than normal, a local reporter visited a farmer for a comment on how the increased
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TOP Reasons YOU Should Attend Spark and Hustle National Conference
TOP Reasons YOU Should Attend Spark and Hustle National Conference www.sparkandhustle.com 1. You are SICK of answering interesting questions, invites or opportunities with responses that include what you “CAN’T afford.” (P.S. As a business owner, we can increase money by increasing sales…. This conference will teach you to master the sales and marketing maze most
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It’s no secret that times have changed for small business owners, and sales – specifically in certain industries – have been harder to come by. But, it’s also true that some businesses thrive while others in the exact same industry and location close their doors. So, what gives? How can we increase sales and succeed
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Why I HATED Dave Ramsey…..
Dave, if you’re reading this, I am so honored… Please keep reading!! =) =) So, it doesn’t seem long ago at all that I “met” Dave Ramsey. When I first started homeschooling, my group decided to do a weekly financial “support group” for the adults – which was based on the teachings of Dave Ramsey.
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From HOPE to HOW!!
Soon, I will again be in the throes of my twice yearly “serving hours”… This is where I coach people from all over the world on business success. It’s my way of both giving back AND staying at the top of my game, so I charge nothing. (P.S. If you ARE a coach or consultant,
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Just Sell Something Already!!
I get (and probably should) lots of questions about my success in sales. HOW can I outsell others in my industry or region? HOW do I get around this whole “can’t afford to buy” dilemma? WHAT can other business owners do differently??? Truth be told, I often ask myself those same questions…. why would I
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