There’s a lot of talk about creating “irresistible” OFFERS for your market, as their should be, right? You definitely need to create Hell Yes LEAD GEN offers, Hell Yes initial $$ offers, and Hell Yes EVERGREEN offers in order to build a truly successful, profitable, scalable business.
But if you haven’t YET cracked the code to YOU yourself being IRRESISTIBLE to your market, you’re missing out on a LOT of ease, a LOT of fun, and a LOT more money. So, let’s go there.
Admittedly I really struggled with this one. I KNEW and GRAVITATED towards irresistible brands. But, I was very different from them in some pretty visible ways.
I’m not particularly fun.
I’m not flashy.
I’m not particularly photogenic.
I’m a HOME BODY, so making THIS life I love “instagram-able” in a way that wouldn’t BORE the average person? A huge challenge.
I don’t travel very much, RARELY post about it, and struggle a BIT with the entire (narcissistic?) Idea that people would be INTERESTED in what wine I’m drinking… or that I MAYBE drink a glass or two of wine PER MONTH… or what I’m wearing, or whatever.
I’m not willing to do the half-naked thing.
I have a VERY dry sense of humor, making me not PARTICULARLY funny to most people.
I’m serious and intense and I DETEST “silly.”
I FULLY live each day, which means I’m not tethered to digital devices every moment.
So, yeah.. basically I’m a ball of fun.
But here’s what I learned. Being irresistible to your market does NOT require a show. Thank God. In fact, following in the footsteps of whomever YOU find irresistible as a brand or personality would actually fall very flat.
I want to detail the 3 steps that you can embrace starting right now to build a brand that others are ATTRACTED to…
where they show up “out of nowhere,”
where they bring their friends (albeit perhaps with a bit of hesitancy because, you know… they may not know what you’ll say or do next.)
where people look FORWARD to your next rant or post and actually make it PART OF THEIR DAY, part of their own personal or business or health or whatever commitments.
If you are courageous enough,
If you are willing to be unapologetically you,
if you are willing to STAND FULLY In your own power,
If you are FULLY confident,
you too can QUICKLY build a cult following, an irresistible brand that makes bank.
There’s a lot I want to say here. About how to show up. About where to show up. About how to carry yourself in situations where you are the small fish in a VERY big pond. This is about positioning, and it IS my core area of genius.
It is how I get to talk with people like Gary Vaynerchuk, how I get to joke around with Daymond John from Shark Tank, how I get invited into rooms that — SERIOUSLY– I have to take a deep breath before entering. How I garner attention once I’m there.
I actually get a bit anxious discussing this in “public” because perhaps it comes off as too deliberate. Which it is. I am VERY deliberate about how I carry myself and always have been. I have found this to be a HUGE advantage.
So, being UN-IGNORE-ABLE online or off. It requires the following:
Contrarian behavior.
Oh, we goin’ deep, y’all.
So confidence. You’ve got to REMEMBER what my Mom always told me, “They put their pants on the same as you.” or “God made EACH of us in His image.” You’ve got to walk in EVERY room, on EVERY stage and grace EVERY page with the confidence that you are ABSOLUTELY worthy of taking up space.
I have a rule. I pay homage to no man or woman. Ever. They are just people. Trust me, THIS personal policy in and of itself eliminates the whole “fan girl” scenario where you are part of a crowd and USHERS IN opportunities reserved for equals. Just sayin’ it’s worth a try.
Show up LIKE THIS,
with THIS level of confidence
and not ONLY are you un-ignore-able, but you are ALSO a source of curiosity. People take note, take notice and begin to watch.
Consistency. I do not have a problem admitting that a large part of my success is that I have NEVER gone away. I am consistent AF. No bathroom breaks. No need to change brand costumes in the phone booth. No pause in my push.
Consistency is the key to many things…. love, success, money, health, etc. BUT IT IS RARE, so simply showing up is noteworthy and un-ignorable.
And then contrarian behavior.
In MOST situations,
with MOST things,
the MAJORITY of people are wrong.
Admittedly, I was born contrarian. Outrageously so. It’s woven intricately into my DNA. But even if I were not, I am ASTUTE enough to realize that the masses live in mediocrity… often following the same rules, going in the same direction, at the same pace.
I do not fall in line.
Which used to be celebrated but is — now– actually demonized. So I refer you back to being confident in your own skin. You’ll need it to deviate even ONE IOTA from the mediocre masses.
But see how other people are showing up,
online, how they are posting, when they are posting, what images they are using, how they are dressing, what “experts” they’re quoting,
You don’t have to break the law or get political if that’s not your thing OR become an agitator. Just dance to the beat o your own drum AS IF NO ONE IS WATCHING,
you will draw a crowd.
Some will throw tomatoes. That’s okay. I LIKE spaghetti sauce. The tomato throwers ALWAYS leave. But MORE will stay and play…. inspired by your un-ignore-able-ness.
There’s a book I recommend, focused mainly on the real estate world, but a GREAT read: Winning Through Intimidation.
Most people hate that title. Because they assume the author is insinuating that YOU become intimidating. QUITE THE OPPOSITE is true. The entire book is on how to NOT BE intimidated yourself.
A truly worthy read.
When you cannot be intimidated,
you dial UP your own personal energy.
I will say that at my age,
I literally AM un-intimidate-able.
Synonyms for intimidated: Browbeaten, daunted, bullied, cowed or terrified.
When you are UN-INTIMIDATE-ABLE, you are magnetic, simply because you allow yourself to SHINE without a care or thought about their judgement or criticism.
That is up to THEM.
You doing you is up to you.
When you learn the difference, you become AUDACIOUS and BRAVE. You act in full alignment. And this again will draw in YOUR soul-aligned people (who… by the way, may not vote like you, look like you, worship like you, love like you, but are DRAWN to you because of something much deeper on a soul level!)
Yes, me being un-ignore-able and un-intimidate-able is about me, but the REASON I show up, the REASON I do the inner work necessary to show up like this, the REASON I keep taking this stage is because I am FOR you.
I am SO for you.
I am ALWAYS cheering for your success.
I GRIEVE your losses.
I CARE about your personal stuff.
I LOVE my people.
And this is palpable.
I am UNDENIABLY in the corner of women entrepreneurs. I am not timid about my passion for their success. There are FEW things I wouldn’t do for you. A precious few things.
Because I am ALL IN,
on YOU.
When you are ALL IN on your chosen market, you become irresistible to them.
So, where do YOU think you need more information? Where do you think you need more clarification? And where do you think YOU need to focus in order to build your own irresistible brand?