What are you complaining about?
Frustrated with?
Wishing would be / could be FIXED in your business?
⚠️ Maybe your flow of leads is more like a trickle…
⚠️ Maybe sales feel painful and hard and uphill -both-ways-in-the-snow.
⚠️ Maybe you’re just overwhelmed with too much to do.
⚠️ Maybe you’re just feeling uninspired or not sure where to go next.
WHATEVER IT IS you’re complaining about,
or frustrated with today…
can be FIXED,
by YOU,
starting now.
So, first things first….
repeat that last statement.
Type it out into the comments below.
💥 💥 Whatever it is,
can be fixed.
By you. 💥 💥
Remember… this business is YOUR creation.
Your baby
(or your beast, lol…)
to feed, nurture and guide.
If you need to course correct in any way,
as we ALL need to do,
no sweat.
But here’s how to know what to do.
1) Identify the specific problem.
Example: “I have too few leads coming in to my business and i’m sick of selling to the same people.”
2) Identify the SEED of a solution.
“I need to generate 100 more qualified leads a day.”
3) Brainstorm ALL the ways you can do exactly that…. a full page.
“If I HAD TO — gun to my head, had to — generate 100 QUALIFIED leads today, I would…..”
4) Pick 10 of the ideas you come up with, and take action.
Journal Prompt: If I had to _____(insert what you want to do)______, I would __________________________.