Now that non-vaccinating — or even orchestrating a more “sane” schedule on vaccinating your infant– is part of the collective conversation, I am being asked a LOT about why I wasn’t more vocal when my kids were young.
To this end, I have a few things to say.
1– my “kids” are now 26, 24, and 22. NO ONE was talking about this back then. Not Jenny McCarthy. Not RFK Jr. No one.
2 — I did NOT consider myself an anti-vaxxer. For me, I just couldn’t wrap my head around it. Here was my thought process: I was pregnant and avoiding DEODORANT… because the aluminum in the deodorant may ACCIDENTALLY seep through my armpit, into my blood stream and then through the placenta to my baby.
Yet, many of the vaccines contained aluminum, which would be injected DIRECTLY into the baby’s body. I didn’t get it.
All of the sudden, the same experts who encouraged me to avoid ingredients I couldn’t pronounce were huffing and puffing about my question about ingredients in the vaccine.
I was confused, and knew I just needed to get more information.
There were no facebook groups. I had to go to the CDC for stats and information. I had to research ingredients on my own.
After all of this, I wasn’t an ANTI-Vaxxer. I was a NON-vaxxer. For my kids and I, it was a hard NO. But I had no opinion about what you did with YOUR kids.
3 — The very fact that I am being asked this… tells me I was SOMEWHAT vocal about this. 😊 Whenever I heard (even at my own live events) mothers being judged as “Hating their kids” for not vaccinating or something similar, I was not shy about saying, “I love my kids and I did not vaccinate them.”
Silence. lol… BUT ALWAYS followed by private conversations with women who were beginning to question the increase in vaccines for their kids.
4– Decisions in motherhood are always tough. I did NOT want to influence or pressure other mothers about their kids. When asked, I ALWAYS answered honestly. But in the end, every mother has to come to her own conclusions.
FOR ME, I couldn’t wrap my head around how heavy metals and chemicals and other ingredients (some live viruses) would somehow make my kids HEALTHIER or safer. But if a mother can read these ingredients and feel like their baby would be safer or healthier as a result, then… that’s up to her.
I am just glad that it is NOW being discussed more broadly, because it IS a decision (not a mandate, as there are ALWAYS ways around the mandates) and SHOULD be considered by parents. I look forward to more transparency in the reporting of vaccine injuries (and the HUGE vaccine injury fund).
In the end, I feel it’s a decision every mother gets to make on their own. I am SO GLAD I opted against vaccines FOR MY KIDS. It was the right decision FOR US.
With all of this said, if you WANT to have this conversation with me, I’m 100% open to it. If you judge me for my decision, well… I’m judged for many things. lol… I’m not concerned about that