A simpleton.
Out of her league.
My least favorite — as I feel it took my poor white rural history / ancestry and cast it in a NEGATIVE light, despite my viewing it as a DISTINCT advantage: “regional.”
Anyway, in the business world of 2025, ALL of my “FOOLISH,” “poor little country girl” strategies once demonized and mocked have been proven DEAD ON ACCURATE.
Most recent headline from the powers that be,
all of the sudden heralded as “business gospel”
is the fact that it is better to focus on building a list a buyers vs. building everything (marketing-wise) around lead magnets that build a list of lurkers.
I have LONG LONG LONG said this exact thing, even reasoning with people… a buyer is a buyer is a buyer…. begging them to see the common sense rationale behind a list of 50 buyers being FAR more profitable / valuable than a list of 5000 people who signed up for a freebie.
Don’t hear what I’m not saying.
Have the freebie. Share it when you want.
But build your FUNNELS, ENERGY, MARKETING STRATEGY around your offers.
This is CLASSIC Michelle-ology. OG stuff. Dating back to the 2000s.
Admittedly, a lot of the reason I never got caught up in the digital marketing world that I was PART OF BIRTHING — that same marketing world that has become a cash-eating VORTEX that far too many get sucked into — comes down to two things:
1) I was in too early. There was no vortex yet. There were no experts. We were all in this world together, literally throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what stuck. All of the systems and hacks weren’t even a thing yet.
and also…
2) I was VERY underfunded. This whole empire you see was built on a $50 investment… which was all I could afford at the time. So, I had NO time OR inclination to discuss “fake” metrics. I couldn’t care less about how many people saw x or shared y.
Sale or no sale… THAT was all I could afford to consider.
“No sales” were put in a PRINT folder where I would reach out to them in a couple of months. Sales were treated like family. I never EVER celebrated list size. The only time I thought about the size of my email list was when I had to say it out loud, because I judged it “too small.” YES< all of this is when I was operating an online virtual business.
So I LOVE seeing the principles
and common sense strategies
I was judged so harshly for speaking
come into the mainstream conversation.
I love it because I genuinely want more women entrepreneurs to succeed financially in business. I GENUINELY care about this. For me, it is always about the woman BEHIND the business, so the more TRUTH revealed, the better.
When I first began in business, entrepreneurs — the early adopters most of us are — had a BALANCED approach to shiny and new vs. old and proven. We SIMULTANEOUSLY built strong roots AND explored wings.
Today’s business world is different, particularly those who operate online. Too many ABANDON the principles, the foundational stuff, the habits that build STRENGTH for your brand (and bank account) in favor of the shiny, sexy, new.
I advocate a VERY balanced approach. Play with the new. But bet your bottom dollar on the foundational stuff.
Interested in my next prediction… my 2025 view that will today be mocked but later be celebrated as HARD CORE TRUTH?
The paid / freebie example above will quickly be applied to podcasts, youtube shows, ALLLLLLL things lead gen. Going OUT is the focus on as many downloads as possible, COMING IN is the era of PAID shows, membership-like audiences.
Mark my words.
If you’re looking for a coach who will ALWAYS have your back, ALWAYS tell you the truth… and a tribe of bad ass driven women entrepreneurs… message me. I want you to join Women Who WOW.
Also, I have something coming up. It’s free and AMAZING. No opt in. If you want it — and it is a game changer — message me.