Let me tell you about my three-city tour… and what you’ll learn from it. First, I need to admit that the three-city tour thing is NOT what you were thinking… but it’s AT LEAST as important as whatever you’ll learn from WHATEVER conference or retreat or workshop you attend this year. (Pinky promise.)
So, MY PERSONAL three city tour: It begins in Moyock, NC, takes me through Chesapeake VA and then on to Virginia Beach, VA. Every single day. In the afternoon, my three-city tour takes the reverse route. It’s my school drop-off and pick up schedule, and there’s something worth noting about these “tours” I take each and every week day.
Sometimes, the ride is smooth. We leave early, have a tank full of gas, don’t get behind the first bus or tractor, catch green lights all the way and arrive in plenty of time. But, there are also times at which this “tour” of mine is less smooth. There are certainly mornings when we leave late… feel frazzled… seem to get behind EVERY public school bus in all three cities… have to stop to get gas… catch the bridge.. and get re-routed due to road work.
On THESE mornings, I might cuss… I’m often laying on the horn while the kids channel my Mom saying, “Mom, you don’t know who that person is… they could pull out a gun and shoot you with you acting like that.”... =) =) Many times, I wonder if we’ll make it in time and on THIS KIND OF MORNING, I wonder if it’s not worth just turning around and quitting all together for the day.
But, I never do.
I always keep driving. No matter how many times I have to stop and start again… no matter how many obstacles I run into (or want to run over)… no matter how many times I have to change direction… no matter how late I am…. no matter, no matter, no matter. I keep driving.
But in business… how many times have I allowed small obstacles, irritations and roadblocks to derail my plans? How many times have I turned around because the road to where I was headed seemed to be a “rough ride”? More times than I’d readily admit.
I can tell you that early in my business, there were MANY GOALS that went un-realized because I turned around… stopped driving… or took my hands off the wheel. But not now. My business is an adventure to me. I have big goals… I’m determined to push a couple specific different envelopes…. I’m committed to the goals I set for myself, my clients, my brand… no matter, no matter, no matter.
And this “no matter” mentality makes a difference. The most important thing you can give YOUR BUSINESS — ever — is your “whatever it takes” commitment… no matter what.
P.S. you’ve got mine. I’m praying for and rooting for your success!