Meet my parents… and very large contributors to my success. My private clients often say, “I was just channeling you when I wrote this.” OR they’ll say, “I need to learn to think and write like you.”
This does not go to my head, because I know the truth. ANYONE can think and write and market and interact like me…. and see the same results I do — or better.
What they are trying to emulate is the clarity with which I see — and attack — a situation, opportunity, obstacle, marketing message or offer. And, frankly… this comes down to how I was raised. This point — although not a DIRECT strategy or tip — is really important, so I pray I can articulate it well enough for you to grasp it and RUN with it in your own business. Because it will make a difference.
Here’s the deal. When I was growing up, my home included ZERO “pretense.” I mean, there was no effort put into how our family may have been “portrayed,” or how things LOOKED, or how something may be perceived. None of this existed — at least not in my mind. We weren’t running for office, or trying to win a congeniality award, or building any type of family “persona.” In my home, there was only TRUTH. Only how things WERE. Only REALITY. Things were black or white, right or wrong. NO pretenses. Ever.
Now, many of you will say that this upbringing may have left me a bit naive. Maybe & Maybe not. To me, this is a non-issue. (I’ve certainly managed well enough.) But, what it DID leave me with is this CRYSTAL CLEAR way of thinking about and viewing a situation — unadulterated by any concerns regarding perception, persona, reputation or acceptance.
Essentially, because of how I was raised, I can look at a situation and be able to see through the fluff and facades and “junk.” I believe this is a learned skill… to be able to see through the person doing the speaking, the “big name” making the offer, the obstacles covering up the goal… to be able to CUT THROUGH THE CLUTTER and get — very directly — to the heart of the matter.
So, a commitment to truth… an environment with no concern or tolerance for “pretense”… that’s part of it. And you can develop this for yourself by making a habit of challenging your own thoughts… ASK: What is the HEART of this matter? What is the POINT? And then, craft your response or action plan IGNORING anything else. Try it. It just may be the most empowering thing you’ve done in a really long time.
The other part of it — though — is this hard-to-rock CONFIDENCE, which I’m HONORED to be speaking about at the upcoming Women of Power conference. Here’s the truth: My parents should win international AWARDS for being the best confidence builders in the world. Look at me. There’s NO DOUBT that my confidence in what I can do FAR EXCEEDS my actual abilities! lol….
But the truth is that CONFIDENCE = Capacity. Confidence EQUALS capacity. You will NEVER, ever OUTperform your own self-image. (EVER.) And your self-image can — and SHOULD — be built by you. You CAN — and should — develop an unshakable confidence, a rock solid sense of self, and an assurance that will have others MARVELING at what’s different about you, and how they can get some of it. At the Women of POWER conference, I’ll be sharing my tips on building — and leveraging — this kind of confidence… what to do when you’re in a confidence “gap,” and MORE.
Seriously, this event — in Washington D.C. — is worth traveling for. And, if you register, let me know… I’m planning a Mochas with Michelle event while I’m there — just for YOU!