Let me give you the one word excuse that held my business in “mediocre” stage FAR LONGER than it should have stayed:
I used this excuse with others who wanted to help me grow, who wanted to push me into what was possible. But, MAINLY, I used this excuse with myself.
Here are a few ways I’ve personally used the timing excuse:
I reasoned that my business wasn’t growing quickly enough because my kids were small.
I reasoned that I couldn’t invest in my business because the timing “wasn’t right.” When I made more money, I’d do that. =) (Sort of like reasoning that you’ll join Weight Watchers AFTER you lose the weight on your own, right?)
I had all sorts of timing excuses — ALL of which kept me STUCK — for everything from business to weight loss to vacations to hiring decisions.
Finally, I realized a very powerful truth about life and business:
Life Was NOT Going To “Pause” In Order To Give Me A Chance To Grow My Business According To Plan.
Any growth or goal must be achieved in the MIDST of the life you’re in today. When you keep pushing your goals into the future, you’ll never reach them.
Besides, timing is so incredible subjective.
I was recently hired to work with a company during their off season. Now, they do practically NO work during this time of year. They could have used the timing excuse… THAT much expense, with no sales? Let’s wait until timing is better. But, they were committed. We’ll use the down time to train employees on the new marketing initiatives and start implementing them before the busy season. Smart move.
HOW I WISH I’d not had some crazy excuse about timing when my kids were small. I wasted so much time WAITING for life to “pause” in order to give me the protected space I needed to grow my business. I didn’t yet realize that I’d have to CREATE and PROTECT that space MYSELF. I didn’t realize that a PERFECT SEASON wasn’t coming. I didn’t yet KNOW that in EVERY SEASON, I’d have some very legitimate reason to hold back.
You see, I BELIEVED that the “season” with very young children would be my busiest.
Side note: I can hear the moms of older children laughing to themselves right now…. the same way I am laughing! I guess all moms believe that one. =) I bought it hook, line and sinker. Now, I know that EACH season is far busier than the last. If I’d waited for an “un-busy” season to grow my business, I’d be an empty-nester before I “took the plunge.” =)
Bottom line: We’re smack dab in the MIDDLE of the BUSIEST time of the year. We’re wrapping up, wrapping gifts, shopping, going to school events, have more on our social calendars than any other period of the year and have a lot of “year end” stuff as well. Yet, my clients are doing better than ever. Proposals are going out, and being accepted. New clients are being secured. WITHOUT EXCUSE, these amazing business owners heard the “two minute bell” and responded appropriately: with more hustle. To all of you, you humble me.
Timing. The next time you start to use “timing” as an excuse, KNOW it’s an excuse. All you have is today. Take it from me… if you don’t change something today, tomorrow will look EERILY familiar. There’s NEVER going to be a perfect time to go big, to go bold, to step into YOUR goals. So, you might as well start now.