Just yesterday, I was contracted to consult with someone on his copy and sales strategy — for these two go hand in hand of course. The gal who brought me into this conversation “gushed” over how my work with her had “magically” transformed sales… how she was doing far less “junk” and focusing on a 3 step sales process that worked “like magic.” Here’s what she said,
“She’s just a natural.”
A natural.
A natural what? Blonde? Not anymore. =) Nope. A natural TALENT. Well, to end the “talent gap” we see in business… You know, where people call YOU “naturally talented” and you don’t see it… I need to share the words of Steve Chandler from his book Wealth Warrior.
I know the hours behind the “gift.” They don’t know those hours. But here’s what’s funny. I don’t want to tell them. I would rather be thought of as gifted—endowed with huge talent—than set the record straight. It’s more fascinating and charming and myth-making to believe that Superman has had these powers since birth.
The HOURS behind the talent. THAT is what we see in our own talent that everyone else takes for granted. THAT is why we don’t often recognize — or quickly discount — our talents. Because we know our “natural” talent took a GREAT DEAL of work.
Here’s the thing.
The MOST talented in any industry spend COUNTLESS hours developing — deliberately — that “natural” talent.
And it doesn’t make them any less talented.
Do you remember the 1980’s commercials for Dry Idea deodorant? The one that said, “Never let them see you sweat?” Well, when I read those words from Steve, that’s what came to mind. We seem to have some secret code in which it’s in bad taste to acknowledge the PERSPIRATION that made our Passion turn into PROFIT. The sweat. The tears. The long nights. The wondering. The challenge. The talks we had in the mirror. The hustle.
So, acknowledge your “natural” talents. You know, the ones you NATURALLY work hard to develop, hone and refine. THIS is the secret behind the talented “greats” in any industry: the HOURS behind the gift.