I’m so blessed (and humbled… really humbled) by your loyalty to me. Years ago, I learned that the subscribers to this blog were (literally) the BEST in the world. We have each other’s backs. Of that, I have no doubt.
I can’t even begin to count the emails and phone calls and even surprise in-office visits I’ve received from YOU GUYS — concerned that someone was taking “my stuff” and making it their own.
Yesterday, I received another — from a reader who is not my client and has never worked with me — and it inspired this blog post.
Here’s the truth: There have been times when I’ve felt “jaded” by someone using my “stuff,” my word for word sales letters, my (protected) topic titles, etc…. But the BIGGER truth is this: In EACH case, I was FOOLISH for wasting time on that issue.
So, here’s the throw away thursday truth: Let it go. I don’t recommend spending time or energy on someone “stealing” your stuff. Here’re 3 secondary reasons to let it go and one MAIN reason to let it go:
— MOST of the time, it’s just a coincidence. Honestly. I created an info-product years ago (in 2009) called, “Monetizing Your Message.” Last year, in 2013, Fabienne Fredrickson did something with the exact same name! What I know for sure is this: Neither Fabienne — nor anyone in her company — have been stalking me and wondering what they can “swipe” for their own purposes. That much, I know. =) The coincidence in name is just that… a coincidence. Nothing to get anyone’s panties in a wad over.
A similar coincidence happened very recently. I wrote an article about WINTER WEATHER plans for business. I sent it out to a few people before having it posted and guess what? Lisa Smith had written a very similar article for her OWN site. You can find it here. Did Lisa “steal” from me? Absolutely not. Like with Fabienne, it was a total “Great Minds Think Alike” sort of coincidence.
— SOME of the time, people do it with malice… or, out of a sense of desperation. This happened to me back in 2009. I had THREE visitors to my office in one day who were concerned after getting an email invite from someone IN OUR MASTERMIND inviting them to a mastermind she was hosting herself. She undercut my price by 47 cents and took my sales letter invite verbatim… and what’s more… she invited those she’d been shoulder to shoulder with in my events.
Was I mad? Yes. But, in the end… her mastermind was a flop, she confessed, apologized and we all moved on. Me, profitably. **wink** A very small blip on my business timeline.
— Sometimes people do it knowingly, but without a HINT of malice or ill intention. I’ve had very dear clients that I’ve had to gently “nudge” asking them to please change “SOMETHING” about the language they very ethically — and with invitation — “swipe” from me. I do this for THEM, so they won’t be perceived negatively, more so than for me.
I’ve also had my (protected) speaking topics swiped and promoted heavily… by someone who simply had NO IDEA these “agenda additions” were mine and not someone else’s. They were ASKED to fill a speaking slot and speak on that specific title, and were thrilled to do it. Enough to get upset over? No way. I simply state, “So glad to see my topic is still alive and well and traveling the country — even in my absence.” lol….
— Finally, the main reason to throw away this crippling “FEAR” of having your best ideas swiped is that even a GREAT copy won’t EVER match the REAL THING… in income, influence or impact. EVER. EVER. EVER.
There’s NO WAY for someone to get YOU without coming to YOU. So, create great content. Share it with the world generously… and my advice… LET IT GO after that. Give the world YOUR BEST. Hold nothing back. Live (and work) full out.
P.S. My birthday “FIRE SALE” has been delayed a bit by snow days, power outages, internet outages and more. Please check your email tomorrow for the BEST $37 sale I’ve ever had where you get to PICK what you “swipe” for $37. xoxo