Sunday planning meetings — with an invite list of me, myself and I — have been a critical ingredient to the success of my business. (Here’s an OLD post that refers to this “secret strategy” of mine.) In response to your requests and as part of our newly updated “content plan” for WOW, I’ve decided to share a bit of this meeting with you. (Clearly today, I’m up early… and having my planning meeting — sans wine — before church.)
Here’s what’s on tap for WOW this week:
I’m blogging and sending out a newsletter to you guys about a HUGE mistake I almost made… listening to a man who makes a BUNCH more money than me. I spent HOURS learning from him, HOURS implementing what I learned. On page 131 of the product I purchased from him, I saw his results. OY. BOASTING about a 0.001% response rate? Puhlease. My own product launch strategy blew his results away. More on that later. The lesson? Be careful who you listen to. ASK QUESTIONS. Also, recognize the beauty of a small — but far more responsive than his — list.
WOW team meeting & Virtual Mastermind for WOW Members. We’ve got some loose ends to go over. Some videos to shoot / edit / post. And a TON of sponsor gifts to unwrap and get all excited about! Our May 18th meeting is going to be a SUPER SPONSOR BONANZA.
I start Wednesday meeting with a bank executive. She serves business owners. I serve business owners. We recently co-created a 3 part, closed door, roundtable for CEOS and this work was amazing. So, we’re going to do it again. I can’t wait to sip some coffee while I plot and plan with her. The rest of the day will be spent planning for my 1/2 day training on May 6th. A financial planning firm is bringing me in to work with their female financial advisors and I can. not. wait.
Of course, I get to meet with private clients on Thursday. I like to chunk my activities together… so my private client meetings aren’t spread out all over the place. It will be a long full day, but it will be fun and full of results.
May 1st already. This is humbling. Granted, I sound like my Mom, but time is moving SOOOO fast. I hope you and your business are keeping up. I’ll be taking off on Friday to enjoy some “me” time.