I want to rage against the machine when I hear woman after woman questioning her WORTH or her worthiness as an expert, a thought leader, an INDUSTRY leader.
I watch them from afar…
and sometimes from way too close…
SCRAMBLING to prove they are GOOD enough.
Good enough to be loved.
Good enough to make millions.
Good enough to be famous.
Good enough to be wildly successful.
These women (and a few good men) write books. They PAINFULLY pursue perfection. (Honey, there’s no such thing.) They fear being exposed as anything less than perfect…. too fat, too lonely… too old…. too human… They try to be EVERYWHERE and EVERYTHING to EVERYONE.
And they are CONSTANTLY volunteering, giving away stuff for free…. (Am I good enough to charge what I am told I’m worth?)
I want to shake them and answer the question.
I want to let them know what I have ALWAYS known.
That their worth was SETTLED at conception.
That they are worthy JUST BECAUSE THEY ARE.
I want them to settle this question in their hearts, this procrastination-creating, success-stealing, the Joy-robbing question of AM I GOOD ENOUGH?
And I do… a lot.
I point out what is SO obvious, but is somehow — absurdly — not showing up in their own mirror.
But, this is a REALLY DEEP question. Am I good enough?
I want it to be settled for them, deep in their heart, even deeper in their soul. Life would change if they knew….
If they knew how ENOUGH they TRULY are and have always been.
If you struggle with this, I’m speaking to YOU.
You are SO enough.
Beautiful enough, smart enough, good enough, savvy enough, human enough.
As a woman, this question needs to be settled.
Settled in such a way that it NEVER plagues our thoughts again.
BUT, as far as business goes… as far as PROFIT goes… it’s the wrong question to ask.
Instead, we should be asking,
Are you showing up uniquely and unapologetically YOU?
Because that is where your TRUE WEALTH lies. (Money wealth…. just so I’m clear.)
Being YOU — 100% — without apology and without a mask and without a filter is where you can operate your business in a competitive vacuum… where you can show up DAILY, drive genuine DEMAND for your work and create success on your own terms.
You CAN create success and financial increase while playing by the rules while showing ONLY a certain side of you while being CAREFUL not to offend while searching ALWAYS for what you SHOULD say… and ignoring what your soul is whispering that you MUST say.
I’ve done it.
I was successful. I was profitable.
And I WAS being authentic… all along.
There was a LOT of authenticity.
More than MOST of the gurus I saw.
But, did I wake up every day and just SAY what needed to be said? Did I ALWAYS say 100% of the truth?
No. Not always.
Was I lying? No. But was I holding back? Was I sticking to a certain script that I felt would keep me bringing in money?
Unfortunately, yes.
Today things are different. Something shifted in me. I just decided…. I decided that I’d sever ALL ties that bound me to a certain script or image. I decided that I’d hide nothing, say what needed to be said.
I decided that if it somehow “cost me business,” it was something I was more than willing to pay.
And, to be honest, it did. Some people couldn’t take “all of me.” They didn’t like it. It triggered them. Or maybe they never truly liked me to begin with.
Either way, they’re gone now. Them AND their money.
But, I couldn’t have imagined how fast and how abundantly SO MUCH MORE came into my business… my bank account… my life.
I let go of some perceived “acceptable script.”
I became ME enough.
And it was like my business EXPLODED… went into TURBO-mode.
I will be going on a 30-day immersion experience with a handful of other women business leaders starting July 31st. Our goal: Mental Toughness. BUT, the results of true, unwavering, unshakeable mental toughness?
Dare I even say, fame?
If you’d like to join us, register here: http://
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