Okay, I don’t think I’ve ever claimed to be any sort of social media guru, have I??? I really hope not… because you should know from the start that I am COMPLETELY unqualified to write this post about social media. YET, here I go! =)
One of the things that I get asked about a lot is social media… and what I think about it, regardless of how blatantly I say that I am NOT the person to ask. Specifically, I’m asked: Does it drive sales? AND How do you automate it so you can “manage it all”?
First: Does it drive sales? NO. It doesn’t drive sales. But, it IS worth doing because here’s what it CAN do: It can be an incredible lead generator… It can open doors, start conversations, and cultivate connections with your prospects and peers, as well as others within your industry.
Bottom-line: It isn’t a sales tool, it’s a marketing and messaging tool. So, be diligent and committed to this engine for business growth… just know that there MUST be a sales process implemented once the conversation is started, the lead is generated or the connection is made.
Second: How do you automate it so you can “manage it all”? Trust me, I get it. I have three kids in two different schools and multiple sports / activities, a husband I love, a house to keep, weight to lose, and all the rest of the blessings that keep MOST of us united in our “busyness”. I get the desire to automate and there are no shortage of tools you can use to automate social media. However, I really, really, REALLY caution against it.
Fine. Automate a tweet or two a day if you must, schedule well-choreographed marketing campaigns with hootsuite when you need to…. but realize that there is ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE IN PRETENDING TO BE ENGAGED. None. Zero. Nada. Your social media platform will be more robust and more profitable when you are THERE… actually, really THERE… engaging, responding, asking questions AND answering them… touting your own celebrations AND celebrating with others…. speaking AND listening.
That’s just my two cents. If you’re a REAL social media expert, I invite you to set my tribe straight on this…. Don’t let me continue to mislead them! =)
I agree. It’s not on my resume that I’m a social media expert either but I’m in the middle of all of it. The key IS engaging. For example, I didn’t “get” Twitter until I truly became engaged. What you have shared here is a timeless principle..strategies change but principles don’t.
One of the things I like about you is you tell it like it is. Thanks.
Excellent advice! The whole point of social media is to be engaged and be aware and really connect with people. It doesn’t make sense to automate everything. One thing that is convenient is to automate blog posts to your facebook and twitter. It helps people come to know you even better on a personal and real level, which is the best part of social media!
I agree Kate… and I do have all of my posts automatically sent to both facebook and twitter…. Love that! Thanks for weighing in….
Beverly, I always look forward to your comments and support!
You are so modest, I believe you gave more than just your two cents!
The area that hit home with me the most is the use of automated platforms, I agree with you 100%. I believe that end users want to use them without realizing how it is utilizing their appearance. So yes, if you’re soooo busy and you want to stay in front your peeps, you might think that it’s the way to go, but remember that you still have to be available for the engagements. So those automations should be an asset and once removed, your audience should not missed the void. If they do, then your authentic voice is not where it should be and they might go elsewhere.
You?… UNqualified?!! NEVER!!
I’ve seen you in action, my dear, and I don’t think there’s anything you don’t do!!
Seriously Michelle… you’re right on the nose here!
You’ve seen the doors social media has opened for me long before I was officially labeled a “social media strategist”. Heck… that’s pretty much how I met you!! Social media makes the whole world a cocktail party where you can meet movers and shakers globally.
But just like a cocktail party… you must follow up and make the personal connection the day after… or it’s all for not.
And yes, you MUST stay engaged… and listen on social media. That is a HUGE part of the strategy!
Right on sista!
Keep up the UNqualified and FABULOUS work!!
Hi Michelle,
I have never known you not to tell it like it is. You are right on the money, Social Media is not about selling but creating opportunities for branding, long term realtionships and messaging that should be relevant and resonate with your audience. Selling on social media is probably one of the biggest “Not What to Do’s” there is. I always say use the 80/20 rule, speak to what you know and engage 80% of the time and sale your products or services 20% of the time. That way people get the opportunity to learn what your expertise is and what you can help them with for them to even consider buying what you have to sell. People can see through disingenuous communication so keep it real, relevant and be consistent.
Automation is to make it easier to get your information out to more than one platform at a time not to make your messages robotic like. But if you are able to write up ahead of time information that is relevant and will resonate with your audience there isn’t anything wrong with planning out those conversations but make sure you then respond when you audience engages with those posts.
If any of your audience wants to listen in to our blogtalkradio.com/thesocialexpert we interview people who are being successful on social media and we also discuss social media awareness for families who have children online.
Great to the point article as always Michelle. diane
Exactly! Great post, & I wish others would understand this more…Fortune 500 ahem!