The urban dictionary describes a sell out as: A human being who abandons their convictions to impress people and or become more popular.
Nope. Not me at all.
In fact, I have ALWAYS preferred respect to popularity. First and foremost, respect for myself. I have to look myself in the mirror each day. So, a sell out?
Never. Honestly, from childhood on,
But sold out???
Sold Out, as in….
👠👠Completely committed, devoted, invested and engaged to a cause. To have no reserves about the decision you are making. To be willing to go anywhere, do anything and give up everything in order to achieve your goal by any means necessary. 👠👠
Oh YES, girl.
This is me.
In fact, my “word” for 2019 is “whatever it takes,” spelled
whateverittakes.” =)
But I see too many sell outs,
and WAY too few who have SOLD OUT.
Too many testers, dipping their toe in here and there,
checking the temperature of the water,
and then calling their friend to see what the wind is like.
And too few taking a big gulp of air and
diving deep, staying down as long as they can
until they have to burst through the surface for another breath, another try. Wind and tepid temperatures, be damned.
I see too many testing this face,
this mantra,
this tagline,
this hat,
this persona….
to see if — like Sally Fields —
at the end of the day, she can say,
“they like me… they really like me.”
And too few who have SOLD OUT to who they REALLY are. They will say they don’t know.
“What do you WANT,” I ask.
“I’m not sure.”
It just takes more courage than you ever thought you needed in order to ADMIT it.
to admit that you KNOW what you want,
and it’s HUGE
and — after all — you’re just this small town girl with no special skills except being herself…
and once you ADMIT what you want,
you know what comes next.
And THAT is where you must SELL OUT or
become SOLD OUT.
You can SELL OUT,
and pretend that you REALLY don’t care that much,
that you really don’t dream that big,
that you were “just kidding” about those goals,
that your vision board was just an “exercise…”
that you really are content being a decent sized fish in a murky little neighborhood pond.
Denying your soul,
and the work you are here to do.
Choosing fear over faith,
Effectively and persistently reminding Your God that you’re too small…
and that His plans for you are Too Big…
and questioning His wisdom in trusting you with a big vision…
BUT– once you admit it,
which is why so many NEVER do…
Once you admit to what you REALLY want,
You’ll have to SHOW UP for it.
You’ll have to BE sold out.
To YOUR potential,
to ALL that you have inside of you…
To yourself,
that you’re giving up on YOU.
That you don’t REALLY believe in yourself the way you thought you did.
So, yeah…
I get it.
I know how HARD it is to be SOLD OUT to a vision.
But that is EXACTLY what I’m here to do with Women Who WOW…
To empower,
and EQUIP more women entrepreneurs to
Not because it’s a popular hashtag,
but because it’s in their DNA.
It’s WHO they are,
and who they are meant to be.
Do you know that there are many people who HONESTLY don’t dream big? Not because they’re scared, but because they simply don’t desire “big.” They don’t wrestle with their current reality, because another dream hasn’t been SURGICALLY IMPLANTED into their DNA before time began.
I believe your WRESTLING
is because you are different.
it’s why we can’t tolerate small talk.
it’s why we hate wasted time.
it’s why we’re ALWAYS the square pegs surrounded by round holes.
it’s why we are sometimes lonely.
We ARE different.
And there are lots of us.
You are not alone.
So, will you ADMIT it and BE sold out?
Or will you keep pressing it down,
denying it,
playing coy with your dreams…
and — ugh — sell out?
Either way, fine by me.
But be warned:
There is NO fulfillment to be had for the woman who REFUSES to own her potential.
THAT woman will STILL wrestle.
There’s no free pass once you KNOW — and admit — that you were born for and are ABSOLUTELY CAPABLE of more.
THAT woman… will still wrestle.
She may drown the voice of her potential
— screaming out for acknowledgement —
But she will still wrestle.
So, where have YOU been denying YOUR own potential? Where have you been hiding what you KNOW you were born to do? Where have you been PRETENDING you don’t want more? Where have YOU been selling out?
Because the world has too many sell outs,
clamoring for public applause and acceptance,
and too few who are ready to stand up and say,
I’m SOLD OUT to my vision.
if you’re SOLD OUT,
message me about Women Who WOW.
We are your tribe.
We’re in this together,
and there’s NO group like us.