Never before has the roar of advice — doled out by those with NO experience — reached such a fever pitch. We see it all the time. The professor teaching entrepreneurship, enjoying a tenured salary and having never even opened a lemonade stand. The business coach teaching success while still trying to figure out how to get clients. The life coach living a double life. The fat personal trainer. The marriage counselor wrapping up his third divorce. You get the idea.
Well, this article I saw recently took the cake. =) The title is titled, “Dear Grocery Stores, Please Learn from Harris Teeter.” lol… She wants these grocery stores to learn from the local store that just had to close their doors. (Can you spell IRONY?) EVERY piece of advice given is radically against the best interest of the businesses she’s “advising.” Which makes sense because this advice is based on — you know — a store no longer open. oy. Take a look at the article first, and then watch this 5-minute video. =)