I don’t often get “all personal” on our blog. It’s a business blog, after all. But, after a “rough” mother’s day yesterday, I was compelled to share something that not only has universal application in business, but also ties in directly to WOW membership’s focus for the month of May: Your Business Lifeline! Here we go, 2 Business Lessons from a Rough Mother’s Day:
Before I dig in, I want to acknowledge how blessed I am. I celebrated Mother’s Day with my own mother when many of my friends no longer have that as an option. Additionally, three healthy, smart, determined and able-bodied children call me Mom. I don’t take this for granted either.
With that said, yesterday came and went in a (very) disappointing blur. My kids did get me a card… and they each signed it. One kid stayed only an obligatory amount of time and barely spoke. Another begrudgingly watched a show with me but refused to name even one reason she may be glad that I’m her mom. My youngest is always a bit more pleasant than the girls, lol… but even still… just a very “blah” day.
Sure, my Mom was glad that she had both of her kids with her for Mother’s Day and my husband did go out of his way to “make up” for our kids’ lack of effort.
But the day passed absent any real gratitude, appreciation or even affirmation… from the very people I tirelessly serve in this role as “mom.”
Despite my kids’ best efforts, lol… I am confident in my role as a Mother. Having 3 teenagers in the house is challenging and I realize that my teens were all focused on other things that are “big” in their lives right now. Still, Mother’s Day 2016 was disappointing and hurtful on a couple of levels.
BUT, and this is business lesson #1, I never once considered “giving up” on this whole “being a MOM” thing.
Emotionally, I was disappointed, hurt, down. I threw myself a quiet (and poorly attended) pity party. I thought I deserved more. I’ve given my all to these kids and the “results” — on this particular day– were the same as if I’d been a completely absentee mom. Regardless, I’m committed for the long haul. So this week, I’ll still cook dinner, wash clothes, cart kids here and there, negotiate curfews, welcome their friends for sleepovers, help with homework, encourage them before they leave the house, pray for them without ceasing, and attend their games.
Because yesterday… while it was a disappointing day… was only ONE day. It will not change, define or derail my efforts as a Mom.
What I’m seeing in business… especially when reaching out to people I’ve not heard from in far too long… is that they’ve thrown in the towel. They had a hugely disappointing event or very demoralizing quarter… and they called it quits. Many off the radar entirely. Some others comfortably in a job they love. And I get it. We’ve ALL had those disappointing moments in business.
Just as with motherhood, though, in business… staying the course is important. Going the distance is empowering and rewarding… and necessary for your wild success. So, PLEASE don’t let one day, one event, one-quarter define or derail you as a business owner. STAY THE COURSE.
Take the pulse of your company, course correct what you need to, but keep moving. Make “Giving Up” not an option.
Business Lesson #2 is this: It’s Not About You.
To be sure, I got this message loud and clear yesterday. lol… Mother’s Day 2016 will definitely go down in the family memory books as squarely “NOT ABOUT MICHELLE.” =) All jokes aside, in business — as in motherhood — it’s easy to make something someone does (or doesn’t do) “mean something” about you.
You invite someone to work with you and they decline… or refuse to respond. You hire someone and they flake out. You prepare for a presentation and no one shows. You pitch a great idea, client or program… and you hear crickets. I get it. It happens. But it doesn’t mean anything… about you, your business or your future success. It just is what it is.
Sometimes, you simply get up to the plate and take a few pitches… Even if you completely strike out, there’s always another at bat… and — now — you know the pitcher. You’re better prepared for whatever comes your way.
Bottom line: yesterday sucked, and my kids absolutely SHOULD have done more. But, their collective “barely there” Mother’s Day effort wasn’t about me. Despite the narrative at my personal pity party, they really weren’t trying to send me a Message about what a crappy mom I am. =) They were –simply– focused elsewhere.
In business, in sales…. we need to have a THICK SKIN that allows the behavior of others to rest on them, and not WEAR on us. Because often, it’s not about us. =)
MAY is all about mindset at WOW… and it goes way, WAY beyond “positive thinking.” Stay tuned…