Do you REALLY want your business to be profitable? Successful?
Do you want to be known, desired & pursued in your industry?
Then, make it ALL about your people. It’s really that simple. If you want WILD success, at some point you’ve got to make it ALL about the people you serve.
Let me go a little deep on you for a minute. (I promise it’s relevant.) More than a decade ago, I seriously pondered my personal purpose. During that time, I came to a revelation that shifted everything for me:
A life well-lived, for me, would mean that the BEST parts of my own story would be most eloquently illustrated on the pages of someone else’s book.
In other words, my BEST days, my BEST stuff would be about other people. My Mister, my kids, my parents, my brother, my family and friends, my clients and my members.
This is so incredibly true in business. Every time I make it about me… what I need, what I want, what I think I deserve… something falls flat and I realize immediately that my focus was off. When the lens of my business is pointed at me, I’m off track. But, when I’m hustling every day, serving my members, serving my clients… I can barely keep up with the momentum of this little business of mine.
So, true success for Women Who WOW requires that I make it — everything, the content, the events, the conversations, the community — all about YOU.
Seeing you.
Serving you.
Asking what you need.
Delivering that.
Having ongoing and intimate conversations.
I think this is what simplifies business. Back before the Industrial Revolution, when MOST of us were self-employed, the failure rate of business was low. In fact, MOST Americans supported their homes and families as self-bossers. They didn’t think as much about branding or logos or bios or niches. All of these things were created as a BY-PRODUCT of just serving people.
Fast forward to 2017 and the failure rate of small business is still at an appalling and stubborn 80%.
Woefully unacceptable.
And absolutely unnecessary.
In March, Women Who WOW members from all over the world will meet in Dallas, TX for Women Who WOW LIVE! In two days together, we’ll SIMPLIFY success … boiling it down to strategies that create both ULTIMATE freedom and MAXIMUM profit. This event WILL sell out, and you don’t want to miss it. Register here, or at least take a look at all we have going on.
Believe me…. I am the consummate homebody and I know — intimately — how EASY it is to justify NOT going to an event. Bad timing. Too far. Inconvenient flights. Dreading being away from your business — or family — for too long. Too much money. Taxes are coming up. Leaving for ANY trip means you’ve got to work twice as hard before you leave and THREE times as hard when you return. Childcare is an issue. Who will get the kids to school or home from practice?
Told you, I GET IT. But hear this:
This event is about YOUR success…
defined by creating ULTIMATE freedom,
and MAXIMUM profit.
Pick any of the reasons not to attend from my paragraph above… or write a new one. Truthfully, any of these reasons — once embraced — will make you feel okay about not attending. As they say, if one excuse will do, ANY excuse will do. BUT, if you are seriously driven, fire-in-the-belly determined to create success on your OWN terms, you’ll make your way to Dallas for this event….
The event designed with you in mind…
where NO stone is being left unturned…
where you BECOME part of the agenda…
where the speakers leave their keynotes at home and just SHARE strategy with you…
Imagine… an event where it’s ALL about you. Nothing to be sold. Nothing about ME to be showcased. In line with my purpose, this event…
Meet me there. Register before it’s too late. And then, bring a friend.