I have been struggling lately…. with REGRET.
It’s so funny because I’ve never been a woman with ANY true regrets. Not that I haven’t done plenty that is regret-worthy… lol…. But, regret? Or shame or whatever? It’s just never been part of my reality.
Until now.
So, Women Who WOW has taken on a life of its own lately… building in steam and energy that is hard to deny, difficult to put into words, and it’s getting REALLY FUN. As I keep rising up to meet demand and prepare for growth, though, I’m looking back at my own body of work.
Programs I’ve created.
Books I’ve written.
Events I’ve hosted.
I look back and — don’t get me wrong — I DO see the value in all of it. I saw the value then, and the results that my clients or program participants received was “proof in the pudding.” Businesses changed. Jobs were created. Opportunities were seized. Money was made.
And yet…
And yet….
I left out a lot of stuff. Stuff that came naturally to me, but was difficult to bottle and sell. Stuff like mental toughness and confidence and a rebellious spirit that REFUSES to LOSE. Call me naive, but I thought we were all born with this. Well, I thought all entrepreneurs were born with this.
And I thought that people wouldn’t pay me for it. I mean, they wanted systems and strategies and copy written and sales pages critiqued and pricing strategies, right?
THIS is the stuff that SUCCESS is made of, right???
Today, I still agree with this statement. These TANGIBLES are still what success is MADE OF. BUT, all of the strategies, the blueprints, the systems, the choreography, the PRICING, the sales funnels…. when they work, it IS because they are BUILT on a STRONG CORE.
So as I look back and update some of my programs for my Women Who WOW members, I am adding in quite a bit of this stuff.
But there’s still so much more than needs to be said.
When I look back at the times I broke the rules, it was my own mental toughness, my own stubbornness, my GUT that screamed, “NOT FOR ME.” When I listened and did things my way, I won BIG.
I’ve always written the way I speak, for instance. Never glossing over my southern roots… and using my UBER-SIMPLISTIC analogies to bring things to life.
I KNEW that playing in a local sand box was NEVER going to be for me. In fact, even my “Local” events drew women from 6+ states.
Even before it was popular, I’d share stuff about my life…. becoming transparent before it was cool…. simply because my GUT wouldn’t have it any other way.
Whether stepping up or walking away…. when I listen to my own CORE, to my own GUT, I always won BIG.
So, while I look into my past with a bit of regret… having LEFT A BUNCH OF THIS OUT for so long… I also realize I was training myself — and all of us — on the tangible stuff. And this DOES matter.
What I regret is NOT realizing — and then TEACHING— how you can supercharge your own success…. simply by strengthening YOUR OWN CORE…
By being mentally tough.
Be being Un-fuck-with-able, a word used in one of our meetings.
My hope is that I led some of this by example… that my people could SEE me walk it out, even if I wasn’t putting words to it.
I was disgusted by Kathy Griffin’s horrific ISIS-like display of our President’s head. I never voted for Obama, but I would have felt the same way if she’d done that about him. But I was MORE disgusted by her tearful “he broke me” speech.
He BROKE you?!!
I can do tender, and sensitive. And I am VERY okay being gentle and vulnerable. All of these things are totally part of who I am… but they EXTEND from a strong core that — frankly — can not be “broken.”
Not by a circumstance.
Not by a disagreement.
Not by a business or a career.
And certainly not by another human.
I’m totally okay being tender, but FRAGILE? WEAK? BREAK-ABLE?
Nah…. It’s just not in me.
BUT, PLEASE KNOW I haven’t always been this way. The strength and confidence you see NOW was born from a very dark time in my life. In the DARKEST moments, I looked around and knew that saving ME was up to ME. I girded myself with strength.
And this is the stuff I’ve never really taught.
— HOW to be a quick and confident decision maker.
— How to CREATE mental toughness when you feel WEAK.
— How to build your own confidence day by day.
— How to get to that place where you will ALWAYS bet on yourself, over ANY other possible option.
— How strength and confidence and self-assuredness can be a DEFAULT way of living.
— Identifying the SEED of where ALL of your future confidence will grow from.
— How to build a sense of self and a resiliency that doesn’t wax and wane depending on your circumstances.
— How to be TRUE TO YOU, always… and especially in business.
And so much more.
So, here I sit in my own regret, largely for one of the first times in my life — for not doing this sooner — and something is bubbling. I’m creating something NEW. A 30 Day CORE WORKOUT… for your mind. Actually, a CORE workout for your HEART… your SOUL… for YOU.
30 Days of DIVING DEEP, and starting EACH DAY with ME. To build that mental toughness, that confidence, that “unfuckwithable” CORE… built NOT on strategies that may shift like the sand….
BUT, built on a ROCK.
and TRUTHS that NEVER change.
This is not a “Bible-based” training… but as a fair warning, you know that a LOT of my own mindset comes from my FAITH. I simply cannot adequately cover this material without sharing where “WHO I THINK I AM” comes from.
This will be an immersion experience.
There will be journal prompts.
Private live streams.
Vulnerable Q&As.
SIMPLE choices that YOU will be presented with.
COURAGE building activities.
And you will EMERGE from it in a league of your own.
I hear from a lot of people who absolutely committed to their own mindset work and are very “spiritual,” but they are also (regularly) still struggling with fear or insecurity or — worse than all of these, I think — DOUBT.
Their “core,” their belief in themselves and in what’s possible…. it seems to be dependent on circumstances, or how their market responds or on how much money comes in, or in who notices them.
This program will build you STRONGER than your circumstances.
This will not be a Women Who WOW program, but members will get 50% off, and the price will be UBER affordable. I will limit participation in this program and so if you KNOW you want ‘in” email me at michelle(at)womenwhowow–dot–com for details. We start July 31st and PRE-work will begin right away.
Awesome and Timely. Looking forward to reading the Top Ten Profit Producing Hacks You Can Implement for free. Thank You!
GREAT, Brenda!! Let me know how I can help you!