In the movies, bravery and courage is depicted — typically — in slow motion. You know, the hero (picture: Bruce Willis) emerging triumphantly from a burning building. His face is smudged with smoke and his gait is confident, slow, determined. He’s carrying a rescued somebody out of the fire — just. in. time. In
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The Problem With Profit Porn & How To Recognize It
The business success arena has been littered with something super shameful lately… Profit Pornography. And guess what? It degrades and erodes reality in the same EXACT ways sex-based pornography does. Is it okay to explore this a little deeper? ESPECIALLY if it saves you tons of money and time and frustration business-wise? Great. Here we
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First Shift Made In My Business
There are certain things you never forget about the early days of your business. Many of my own “unforgettable moments” are — frankly — “LOWS” that I’m thrilled to have left in my less than impressive past. The “business LOW” I remember most vividly and recall most often is the choice I made — more than a
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Your Public Persona & Your Competition…
This week– in particular– has been a bad week for business owners… at least in my humble opinion. I’ve seen actual doctors running solo-businesses begging for emotional support on facebook. I’ve seen a therapist post what can only be described as a violent tantrum on her blog. And I’ve seen another expert “hinting” about her 5th
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The Cruelest Master of All
Business, like life and marriage, is full of irony at times. You know how what attracted you to your spouse is what LATER drives you crazy? The same scenario is at work in your business. The exhilarating potential in your business that had you waking up early, staying up late and feeling giddy with excitement CAN become a very cruel
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Kudos to Entrepreneur Magazine (And a FAIR WARNING too!)
Entrepreneur Magazine is one of my favorites… always has been. But a couple of years ago, they left me scratching my head… after canceling Dan Kennedy’s online column with them. I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t even notice they had asked him back. His recent article with them is excellent — and all about
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Disappointment Recovery Plan… For WHEN (not IF) You Experience Business Disappointment
Possible TMI alert: I hear other business owners complaining about “not knowing what to write” about their business, on their blogs, or to their list via their newsletter or social media. On mornings like this, I wish I had a LOT LESS to share. =) Look, I love my business. I love the event /
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7 Ways To Create Instant Income, Regardless of Business or Industry
The woman I’m working with today once introduced me as, “the woman who could find money under rocks.” While I’m not sure about that, more than once I’ve been compared to a “depression child” regarding my quick eye for identifying both waste and opportunity. As a side note, this only applies to my approach to
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#1 Thing That Separates My Business From Other Consulting Firms
Even among those who attend my events, are paying members of my masterminds, or who pay me (fairly) large sums of money, I am not universally loved. =) So, it should come as no surprise that the words that swirl around my name outside of these immediate circles of influence aren’t always pretty. I’ve
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