I have a 6-figure income stream that is VERY (very) part time. It’s also very quiet. It sells SO effortlessly and is so LOW stress to deliver…
that many people reading this will never know that I even HAVE this “thing” going on.
It’s the PERFECT income stream.
High profit.
EASY — EFFORTLESS — to sell.
NOT ONCE have I ended the season selling less than anticipated.
And they are so IMPACTFUL that some people schedule this with me EACH season… others will STILL reference our day together years later.
It’s the VIP day.
I have included how I plan these days (by seasons)
as well as the EXACT words I use to sell them below.
I offer it to you as an example,
not to pitch you.
This morning, as I sent off this copy to two new people interested in a VIP day (one referred by someone ELSE who started with a VIP day with me) I had to make a few changes:
I changed “fall season” to “winter season.”
I took away the HORIZONTAL VIP day option.
Largely because I PREFER
the power
of a Plan to Profit SINGLE DAY.
I may STILL from time to time suggest a HORIZONTAL VIP day but it will no longer be part of my “normal” menu.
Other than that, I read through the copy.
Is there anything else I’d change?
And NO.
Keep in mind, I wrote this language / this sales page / this copy nearly a decade ago. It’s now a VERY proven marketing asset.
And nothing needs to change.
Mainly because it works. People say yes, pay immediately and secure their spot.
BUT also… it OOZES confidence, conviction and certainty. And that’s when it hit me. Not only does the sales invite language CONVEY confidence, conviction & certainty… but also, the VIP day itself DELIVERS confidence, conviction & certainty.
And NOTHING creates speedy success like confidence, conviction & certainty. It’s when we second-guess, research ourselves to death and take public polls before EVERY action that we slow down, change direction constantly, and backtrack consistently.
So, read the following.
Swipe and deploy it in your own marketing.
and let YOUR prospects FEEL
your confidence, conviction & certainty about YOUR ability to help them!
Every season I do an average of 10 VIP days, and every season they fill.
As of right now, 5 of the 10 Winter season VIP days are already taken.
I am ALWAYS transparent about how many people are getting this announcement email…
And I’m doing that right now…
inviting YOU.
But this year,
I’m only working with 10 people who meet the following criteria. =)
They know It’s (well past) time,
They either…
Have an income goal they set too long ago,
and KEEP setting each month or year….
but never actually hit.
Or a book they promised they’d write…
but, you know, didn’t…
Or have a business / offer / program / course they said they’d bring to life,
but never got around to it,
or maybe they tried, but it didn’t “take,”
Or they have a BIG SHIFT they know they need to make in their business, but keep putting off. (Would they REALLY pay for that?)
Whatever it is…
Winter SEASON VIP-ers
have something…
something they can’t let go of,
this many months
or even YEARS later,
and they know,
it’s time.
In short, I’m dedicating the WINTER SEASON of my VIP days to hustlers willing to go ALL IN on these “old” goals… the ones that won’t go away.
IF this is you…. Please keep reading.
There is still time for 2019 to be the year that you changed EVERYTHING.
I offer VIP days a few times each year…
10 in each season.
All VIP days take place in Chesapeake, VA. (You’d fly into Norfolk.)
What is a VIP IPI???
It’s essentially private work with me,
but on an ACCELERATED time table,
and without the $15000 price tag…
Full of power, accountability, clarity and — well, sometimes– the punch in the gut that often accompanies the realization of what YOU are capable of producing… NOW. But mainly, it is a certain plan.
A goal and a road map.
And the confidence that comes from knowing exactly how YOU can bring ALL of you to market in a way that feels great, is quickly profitable and is also scalable, for the long term. It’s an immersion into planning your future so that six months from now, one year from now… you look back and are not only making the MONEY you want to make, but are living the LIFE you want to live as well.
What will we do?
For one full day we’ll delve into what you’re up to.
What will you CREATE in your business moving forward? The offers, the income streams, the opportunities.
What will you LEAVE BEHIND?
What will you accelerate?
What is your MONETARY goal… and exact plans for how it will be met?
How do you want to REACH it? Working how many hours? What do you want that work to look like? With what kind of clients?
What do you hope will be your marketing engine? (Blogging, Networking, Speaking, Commercials, Ads, Referrals?)
How will you price, package and promote your work?
What will you stop doing or put limits on?
And what assets do you already have available to you… to leverage? (Relationships, connections, marketing collateral?)
We’ll start there, and then keep going.
What we work on depends on what will help you REALIZE your business goals.. and we create a customized agenda in advance. Essentially, we’re carving out the SHORTEST route to where you want to be. But here’s a sample day.
Prior to us getting together (in Chesapeake, VA) I will do a deep dive assessment and questionnaire of where you are right now and what you are hoping to bring INTO the business — or NOT!!! — that we’ll be creating during our time together.
Once the overall FOCUS of your business is clarified, we’ll work on curating your available time, your travel (if applicable) and your lifestyle goals. That will give us the CONTAINER we’ll need to build the business you want. From there, we may spend some time PACKAGING what you sell. How can you package what you offer so that it
- sets you apart from any and every competitor
- discourages price comparison AND price objection
- is presented as a distinctive solution to the problem you solve.
No scripts.
No blueprints.
We custom-create a specific, tailored plan of action to get you where you want to be, quickly.
Finally, we break it down.
What (exactly) needs to be done? And by whom? Each month? Each week? Each day? And from WHAT activities can you disappear from completely? What can you stop doing? Where do you have leverage… to do something ONCE and sell it over and over? We go over everything… from opportunities to obstacles, so you walk away with an ACTIONABLE plan THAT FEELS GREAT. =)
Essentially, one full day together allows us to zero in on a customized, detailed plan to make YOUR most important business goal happen.
If you’re interested, let’s set it up.
The financial investment is $3500 for the VIP day and INCLUDES a full year of Women Who WOW membership. If you are already a Women Who WOW member YOUR investment is only $2500.
All VIP days take place in Chesapeake, VA.
We will have breakfast, lunch and — depending on your flight schedule — dinner together while we’re working. You will fly into ORF (Norfolk International Airport) and you will not need a car while you’re here.
To get started, you can send payment to ____________________________-. In the “note” section of the payment, please state a few dates you’d like to choose for your VIP day. As soon as payment is received, your VIP day will be confirmed and I will send you out an initial questionnaire and schedule our initial phone conversation… to take place prior to your arrival in Virginia. Once I get your questionnaire back, I’d like to schedule an extended strategy session via Zoom or Skype to do a bit of pre-work before we meet for your VIP day.