Dear fempreneur…
I see you.
And sometimes hurting.
But Showing up,
of course, regardless….
balancing the HELL out of this life,
because let’s face it,
you’re on the tight rope and
you’ve got no safety net.
after all
it IS what you chose.
I know the crushing burden
of growing a business,
while raising a family,
navigating emotional “stuff,”
building a marriage,
giving all you can,
In infinite directions,
and somehow,
it is never enough.
I see your dreams,
AND your doubts,
and I see the AGONY
Of when these two collide.
As they do.
Which do you choose?
And how do you hold on,
when both seem equally close,
or equally far away…
depending on the day.
I know the angst
when anxiety threatens to overtake you,
when the totally human emotions bully your best laid plans.
I know the disappointments,
and at times the despair.
But I ALSO know the fire.
the fire that keeps you HERE.
the fire that will ALSO
I promise
get you there.
I know the rebellious,
unquenchable fire,
and the HEART that you have,
towards your work, yes…
but also,
towards your family, your friends, your people.
I see your commitment,
that often is,
taken for granted.
I see how you GIVE.
Of yourself.
Of your expertise.
Of your time.
I see how you show up,
I see how you SERVE.
And i KNOW that sometimes, it goes unappreciated.
That’s on them.
So, Keep giving.
It’s the heart on your sleeve
and the fire in your belly
that WILL take you the DISTANCE.
**Written to and for the female entrepreneurs who are struggling today… for those who write to me and wonder WHEN… for those who SAY they are a hair’s breath away from giving up. I see you. Don’t kid yourself. You’ll no more give up than I would have. Because I see myself in you. Keep going.**