Last night, the media mixer was supposed to end at 8 PM. The media stayed past 9… just mixing it up with us, getting to know us as people, mining THE stories out of OUR stories. It was incredible and definitely beyond what I had originally envisioned.
I was able to spend some time talking to Cardi B’s dentist, who was one of our new attendees this year. I overheard her telling another doctor how lucky she was that she “got the email” about this event. You see she was originally just invited to sponsor our gift bags.
She was GUSHING over the opportunity to be THIS up close and personal with the media. She was marveling over it. I KNOW this event is an event you don’t get anywhere else at any cost. AND I SAY THAT. lol…
On the other hand, there are some — equally smart entrepreneurs — that I really courted…. really wanting them to come. But they pressed pause, deciding to hang back.
So, WHY would Cardi B’s dentist JUMP so gratefully at this opportunity…. and others casually decide, “Maybe next time?”
When I over heard her conversation,
I went to ask her exactly this.
The answer: Perspective.
You see, she has paid between $5K – $10K PER MONTH in PR services for years. She’s gotten a LOT of media, but NEVER had the opportunity to pitch HERSELF to outlets of THIS caliber.
So, she KNEW what an opportunity this would be. She KNEW the media needed to MEET her, not just hear about her. She KNEW that she couldn’t get these personal introductions with this many of THIS level media… “at any cost.”
She had perspective, that frankly…
having never paid for PR services myself,
I didn’t have.
My entire sales strategy for this annual event changed.
First, I’ll invite ONCE. No more courting. =)
And then,
I’m deliberately inviting (after WOW members, #ofcourse) those who are currently paying for PR services.
SO….who gets it?
Who REALLY understands what a phenomenal opportunity YOUR offer is?
Who REALLY “gets” the value you’re offering?
And also…
something I’m currently working on in my own brand,
how can you GIVE them this perspective?
How can you build PERSPECTIVE into your own marketing?
P.S. I am getting ready to announce this formally, but WOW has been “in the phone booth” for 6 months. MAJOR overhauls taking place. MAJOR changes, additions, TECH (gasp!) and more.
I am opening the doors to TEN new members between now and August 1st. These members will get our lowest possible rate and it will be the last time doors open at this cost.
Message me for details.