“I just don’t trust anyone else to do it, that’s all”
That quote is from the movie Armageddon, said by Harry Stamper when the fate of the world was literally laid in his lap.
My husband calls them “crunch players”… the player that wants the ball when one basket determines the championship game…. the player that wants the ball when only 3 yards lie between them and the touchdown… the player that WANTS to bet on themselves. There is a crunch player in every sport, and in every industry.
Right now, while far too many are spending their days and energy “WAITING” to see what the White House will GIVE them next… while they sit in FEAR, HOPING for a bail out…. while they nervously stand by watching instead of taking action…. Entrepreneurs are out there… BEING the solution… BEING the bail out…
Each day, we polish our swords and battle the fall – out of the credit crunch, the reduction in spending, and the loss of jobs creating reduced spending… (And for many of you reading this – coaches and consultants and hybrids like me – we battle the timidity and resentment caused by each charlatan out there dispensing academic advice as if it were their own hard-won experience worthy of a fee.) Each day we commit to being agile, creative, and steadfast. Each day we wake up and bet on OURSELVES …. realizing that WE are the backbone of the new economy, and it is up to us. And, you know what? Truthfully, we wouldn’t have it any other way!!
The edior -in-chief of Entrepreneur magazine was dead on – over a year ago – when she said,
Entrepreneurs are the economic stimulus.
Cheers to each of us!!! Have a GREAT day!!
Yes, cheers to us! No handouts asked for.