It’s been said that Steve Jobs wore the same outfit every day to reduce the decisions he made each day… to save his mind and willpower and everything for the things that really mattered.
As a mother of three teenagers — navigating near constant decisions — I get it. There are times I feel exhausted before everyone leaves the house in the morning, from the SHEER NUMBER of decisions that need to be made.
But wearing the same exact outfit every single day?
I’ll be honest, the concepts appeal to me.
And I DO sort of wear a uniform every day.
T-shirt, Jeans.
Sweatshirt, leggings.
Inspiring shirt + yoga pants.
Real high brow stuff…
Still…. as I pondered this concept the other day I realized — as a woman entrepreneur — I have MY OWN version of the “one outfit rule,” and it has everything to do with my MIND.
Here it is:
I have certain things I NEVER question or doubt.
And I have two things I NEVER entertain.
Like Steve Jobs outfit rule, these things keep life simple for me and save my creativity, my energy, my focus for the things that really matter.
First, the things I never question or doubt:
- My faith. I am absolutely anchored in my belief system. It does not ebb and flow with my circumstances. Even if I am feeling tossed by the wind and waves of life, my faith remains steadfast. In fact, this is partly how my faith continues to grow.
- Because I’m willing to work, I can always make more money. Whether I was a college student needing money for my power bill and picking up an extra shift at the restaurant, or a wife wanting to surprise her husband with a truck… I’ve always known I could make more money ON DEMAND. This keeps away money fears. I can always make more.
- My faith and my family come first. Always. Without exception.
- Selling is about permission to help. We are living in an age where consent/permission has apparently been lost on many people. When someone buys from you, it gives you PERMISSION to help them. So, for God’s sakes, sell… because it’s an honorable thing to do.
- I am worthy. Of love, of success, of affection.
These aren’t things I need to work to believe. They are innate and are NEVER questioned. Saves some time.
Now, for the TWO things I NEVER entertain. EVER.
- Others’ opinions of me. Hopefully, enough said. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but I can think of NO MORE USELESS activity than concerning myself with the opinions of others.
- Settling. I am never going to settle. It’s not in me. I’m either going to walk away or I’m going to roll up my sleeves and build what I want. But I won’t settle.
Over to you…
Would you be willing to SIMPLIFY your own life by detailing what you will NEVER waste time questioning and a list of things you will NEVER entertain?
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