Yesterday, I told you about how a $67 product changed my life. (You can find that here:…/a.21496925…/3511136825599187/) Today I want to tell you how I replaced my full-time income while working from home as a brand new mother. (22 years ago)
With no list.
No website.
No networking group.
No social media.
With only a $50 investment (taken out of my savings account which contained a whopping $213.)
Before I get into exactly what I did — the exact six steps I STILL use in my business today — I want to start by revealing what I did not do in those early days. During the days when I had NO wriggle room financially… when I had no money for contact lens solution and used water instead… when I was behind on my power bill and sweating my mortgage payment, my DIRE financial situation DEMANDED that I:
Ignore branding “stuff” including logos and taglines;
Skip over all B.S. about “avatar” creation;
Waste NO time on headshots or even business cards.
Pay NO attention to “getting my name out there.”
I “thunk up” something to sell. (In my case, it was “secretarial services” that could be done from home.)
I made a list of people that might need these secretarial services.
I wrote a letter that INVITED them to a phone call to discuss their secretarial needs.
(Don’t judge me too harshly. The term “virtual assistant” hadn’t yet been created.)
THIS simple approach, brought me $67K in business. 20+ years ago. In that $67 product I told you about yesterday, I go into detail on EXACTLY how I got business then, and how I get business now… in a way that is normal, natural, and empowering.
Rapid Results is my MOST practical, most step by step product I’ve ever offered. NOT ONLY did it change MY life, it changed the businesses of many women. I went through my list of the ORIGINAL 40 women who bought this product and A HUGE percentage of those who went through the Rapid Results program in 2010 and 2011 are STILL with me as Women Who WOW members to this day, nearly a decade later.
So, I’m dusting that baby off. (I haven’t updated it since 2015, when I sold it for $97.) I’m updating it for 2020 and adding the following:
I’m adding FOUR
brand new video trainings,
updated for 2020 + beyond….

(practical) Mindset
The Makings of an UBER-Profitable Project.
I am also adding a full 30 day INCREASE intensive “boot camp” of sorts. Me, as your personal business and sales trainer. So you don’t go through this program alone.

AND — for the first time ever, and ONLY for the first 40 who jump into this program — I am going to do a deep dive into how I got into selling information for a living. I’m going to cover:

WHAT I knew then,
how I “primed the pump” on sales with a VERY cold market,
how I kept excitement up for a hack-jobbed launch…
How I SOLD OUT over and over and over again… sometimes in as little as 21 minutes;
how I turned a small pocket product into multiple 6-figures of income and LIFE LONG clients,
and MORE.
So, IS THIS — new to 2020– product for YOU? It’s for you IF:

You’re amazing at what you do.
You’ve got tremendous work ethic… and your business has a great deal of yet untapped potential (and therefore, profit.)
You’re proud to be an independent thinker and your goals (and expectations) of yourself are high. (Some may say they are too high, but you know better.)
Your clients or patients or customers love you. You’re already successful and crave MORE success. (Much more.)
And you want to create success your own way.
You already get great kudos, testimonials and enthusiastic attagirls (or attaboys.) But you want the cha-ching.
You want more money, more consistently, and you want your income to be more predictable.
You’re proud of your existing success, but you want to know how to re-create your “big wins” at will.
And you don’t want to give up “living” to make all of this happen.
You can get in NOW… on our “OG” sales page: