I am often surprised by what people think of me, by what they assume I DO NOT wrestle with, battle or just DAILY overcome. =)
While it’s true that I have a genuine and consistent “optimism” in and for life,
AND it’s true that I am a woman of faith,
that I BELIEVE in miracles and expect them,
I STILL actively and deliberately crowd out anxiety and doubt.
Side note: I have only recently learned that it is NOT uncommon for extremely high performers to battle anxiety. Like you, maybe, I thought I was the only one. OR I thought that one day when I got “there,” I would no longer have to manage — or guard against– anxiety.
While I have only had two panic attacks in my lifetime, I will never forget them… and deliberately plan my days and curate my feed and my conversations to make an INHOSPITABLE environment for anxiety to take root.
Back to today’s message. =)
Faith and pregnancy.
You either HAVE faith, or you don’t.
And you either ARE pregnant, or you’re not.
These are two “conditions” that aren’t measured like the gas in our tanks.
A LITTLE bit of faith
(a mustard seed)
is all you need
to be FULLY in faith.
And a LITTLE bit pregnant
is all you need
to be FULLY pregnant. =)
You either have faith or not.
You either are pregnant or not.
This is why in the Bible God said to two blind men, “According to your faith, you are healed.” Many read this verse and think it is measuring HOW MUCH faith they had. But further study (original word meaning, usage, etc.) reveals that it REALLY is stating “because of your faith.”
ANY faith is enough.
A mustard seed, even.
And faith NEED not be ALL you have
in order to be all you need.
JUST like when you are pregnant,
you’re not JUST pregnant.
You’re also still you,
still a woman, still a wife or mother, still a professional, a tax payer, a taxi cab driver, a worrier, a friend.
Does that make any sense at all?
Pregnancy occurs and co-exists with all manner of other things. it doesn’t ENTIRELY take over. This fact doesn’t make your pregnancy any less potent.
Faith is the same.
It OFTEN occurs,
shares space with
other things…
a LACK of faith.
This is why a desperate father in the Bible said,
“I believe. Lord, help my unbelief.”
in the same sentence,
in the same moment,
in the same circumstance…
For this father needing a miracle,
his heart held belief AND unbelief.
Good news.
Just as a “little bit pregnant” = pregnant enough,
a mustard seed of faith = faith enough.
In business I have long held a vision
many times in the same moment.
I no longer let this bother me.
Faith is either there
or it’s not.
As I take time every morning to direct my thoughts to what I am here to create… I see it in living color, I see it as DONE, I see it as CERTAIN. I know these goals, this vision… is mine… to create, to enjoy, to bring to life.
And also, there are moments when I find myself doubting.
There ARE moments when I write REALLY SLOPPY in my journal, because I wouldn’t want ANYONE to see what I am REALLY doing here. lol… There ARE moments when doubt creeps in…
bumping into,
but NEVER displacing
my faith.
The same is true for you.
Do NOT allow temporary moments of doubt to worry you
Just find the mustard seed.
Even THAT…
is enough.
Celebrate the faith, the belief, the expectations you DO have.
And ask for help with the Unbelief that sometimes creeps in…
simply because you’re human.
Onward and upward.
You have EVERYTHING you need.