I’m starting to read magazines like this one – to the left – which, of course you know I found in the MEN’s Interest section of Barnes & Noble. (Not good, B&N!) Anywho, I’m not reading them because I’m starting a new biz, looking for a franchise, or considering launching a mail order empire! =)
No. I’m a student of people… I watch people, pay attention to trends, and always strive to have my finger on the pulse of WHY and WHAT people buy. Whether they’re “buying” a car, a procedure, a ridiculous lie, or insulting political propaganda… WHY and WHAT they buy is both infinitely fascinating to me, but also -of course – profitable for me and for my clients. If you’ve never taken time to ponder, research and carefully consider the WHY and WHAT people REALLY buy from you, you’re missing huge income gains. The WHY and WHAT is rarely ever what you think.
Here’s what I’m noticing…. People are now looking for opportunity. (Therefore, I believe the next big wave of business success will be found with people who offer “biz opps” to others.) Good news? Sure. But, let’s face it… Americans aren’t – by and large – looking for opportunities the way our ancestors did. Back then, they looked at opportunity as something they created (vs. “found”) … like Michelangelo, something they would carve out of nothing… something that held inherent risk, challenge and LOTS of hard, long work. But not today.
We’ve learned to expect a lot in return for a little. We’ve been lulled into habits of laziness and unbridled expectation that – I fear – will soon cost our country its liberty, but I guess that’s another blog post entirely. For now – for you reading this – I want to THANK YOU… to thank you for following your dream… for – like Atlas – NOT “shrugging” when things get tough… for battling everyday against a (sickening) groupon culture and gremlin-like taxes that threaten to increase and increase and increase… for just BEing the kind of small business owners that I respect, admire and consider it a privilege to walk beside in this entrepreneurial journey of ours.
Okay, rant over. Back to the magazine. I was flipping through the pages about “opportunity”. Here were the words / phrases that continued to jump out at me: STAY in your PAJAMAS…. FAST MONEY!… OVERNIGHT MONEY!…. DEMAND INSURES YOUR SUCCESS… FINANCIAL FREEDOM IN 30 DAYS!… TIRED OF WORKING 9 TO FIVE?
I think you see where I’m going with this, right? It’s sad, really…. because for anyone who responds to one of these ads, their reality will be far, far different than what’s promised. (Reminds me of the one woman I’ll never forget being interviewed at the polls during the last presidential election. When asked who she voted for and why, she responded, “Obama. Because he’s going to pay my house payment.” I’m guessing that check got lost in the mail…) My point is this: Opportunity is waiting all around us, but it won’t be dug up, brushed off, spit-shined and then served to us on a silver platter. No, it’ll be waiting for us – and Mr. Opportunity will show himself only when we show up with a shovel in hand.
Proud to be digging and creating with YOU!!! =)
I hate that propaganda. Nothing of any value comes to us easily. What you put in is what you get out! he easy way is rarely the right way.
For anyone who has ever been in business for themselves, they know these offers are a lie. Anyone who has ever had their own business knows it’s 9 to 5 and 6 and 7 and 8 . .. and weekends too. However, folks who are employees don’t know any better so they’re much more easily fooled. It’s a different mindset, a different way of being in the world. And the marketers know this . ..
Well said. After going through a bunch of WW2 era photos not more than an hour ago, I am very reminded how the previous generations sacrificed and worked their tails off to make the future better for their children. We need to take a few lessons from the past.