I’ve written extensively about the emotional toughness and confidence required to create entrepreneurial and sales success. When you approach your business, your market, or your clients with “peripheral goals” such as approval, acceptance, friendship, etc… you immediately cripple ALL of your efforts with undue burden.
As we ease into a new year, commit to leaving this tween- and teen-age “neediness” behind. If you’re pursuing popularity instead of PROFiTABILITY, you’re off course. The video below is a classic 15 second reminder of how foolish it looks for adults to be concerned about who “likes them.”
And here’s another video from me about trying to “impress” your market, rather than impact them. Again, the difference is in whether you’re pursuing popularity or profitability. If you’re pursuing the former, you’ll know it.
- You’re afraid to stop showing up at certain events or groups.
- You’re always seeking exposure opportunities (that never pay.)
- You keep thinking you still need to meet the right people… or get the attention of some “big name.”
- You’ve bought into the lie about “how long” it takes for a business to turn a profit… so you’re thinking YOUR profit is just around the corner… so you keep getting your name “out there.”
If this is you, fix it fast. Fix it immediately… and start profiting in 2014.