“Follow through,” they say. “Keep going,” they say.
Look, follow through, staying power and persistence is GREAT… but what if you’re persisting in the wrong direction, doing the wrong things?
I want to share some things about business that I’ve never really shared before… largely in response to the INCREASING B.S. being pedalled as diamond-laced, golden magic dust for #womenentrepreneurs. THIS article is about the maddening paradox of following through, and how it applies to two specific situations, for women entrepreneurs.
First, let’s talk about the vision you now have… the vision where you have “MADE IT,” where you got where you wanted to be, hit that number, made that money, whatever.
I have had a few of “those” mountain top moments in my business, when I FINALLY reached a goal I’d set my heart upon. And I have had the PURE honor of standing next to hundreds of my clients and members when they achieved THEIR mountain top moment.
Here is what I can tell you FO’ SHO:
These moments will NEVER be the result of you complying so hard to someone else systems…. rules…. fitting in — following through on THEIR join-the-dot system — in some bizarre attempt to stand out.
No. Mountain top moments in business will ALWAYs be because you went ruthlessly you. Renegade-style authenticity. Being ridiculed and rejected but still pressing play, without a hint of apology.
Showing up THIS way and then building CUSTOMIZED SYSTEMS that turn YOUR art, YOUR chaos into an engine that creates money… is the way to go.
You see, if you will tell me what you love to do, how you WANT to spend your day, the actions that you simply CAN’T NOT do each day, I can show you how to make THESE things THE marketing engine for your business.
It always works,
because when your marketing engine
is built on what you can’t NOT do..
it happens day in and day out,
with a passion that is PALPABLE to your audience.
But you’ll have to QUIT
all the other paint-by-numbers
marketing BS you currently have going on.
Because following through on THAT
gives you no bonus points…
no “edge.”
In fact, it is actually COSTING you,
it’s dialing DOWN your passion,
it’s boring YOU and your market to tears.
bwt, I have a training on Tuesday dedicated to the SIMPLE structures that build a solid business, the ins and outs of the structures EVERY business needs to have in place so its owner — YOU– can show up NAKED (leaving the stepfordpreneur, recorded in advance, boring AF presentation at home) and make money.
I’ll cover the STRUCTURES that allow you to make money on repeat and on demand. These do NOT just happen in a business… these structures are simple but they are BUILT, deliberately. And you may SERIOUSLY be just a structure or two away from the business you want.
If you’re already a Women Who WOW member, you have the link to join me. If you want IN on this training, message me.
Now, let’s talk about the “other” moments in business…
the valley moments,
the moments when you feel like you can’t go on,
when you feel like your business is SO FREAKING relentless,
when your to do list is so long,
and your results are short,
when it feels like no matter WHAT you do,
the needle isn’t MOVING.
The moments when nothing is working, and it feels like you couldn’t GIVE away ice cream on a 100 degree day…
In those moments,
and I’ve had a few of these as well…
and — again — have had the PURE HONOR of walking hundreds of other women through these LOW VIBE moments,
it’s important to remember that you STILL get EXACTLY ZERO bonus points for follow through. 😊
You get points — if there is such a thing — for following YOU, for allowing YOUR unique, twisted little approach to WHATEVER YOU SELL to lead the way, and to build systems / structures around THAT.
Anything else you’re following,
is follow through PHUCKERY. 😊