The important thing is NOT to stop questionning.
– Albert Einstein
There are times when being ALONE with our thoughts is the most productive thing we can do. Times when asking a profound question of ourselves is far more powerful than sitting at the feet of a “guru” who “knows” the answer. If you are “wondering” what it would take for YOU to succeed in your business, in your career, or even in your marriage or other signifcant relationships, you may just be able to uncover EXACTLY what you need by asking the following questions:
Do you WANT to succeed? I mean, do you really WANT what you SAY you want?
When I first started out in business for myself, I said I wanted to be wealthy. That was a lie. The truth was, I had limiting beliefs about money that had me convinced that more money meant less time with my family. (This is also a lie.) BUT, when I thought I would have to give up time with my kids in order to make my first million, I really didn’t WANT that money after all. Not then. I had to get to a point where my DESIRE was strong enough (and not laden with perceived obstacles) to inspire my ACTION. So, let’s get really honest with ourselves. Do we WANT what we SAY we WANT? If not, WHY NOT? Is there a perceived conflict between what we say we want and our core values or priorities? WANT is a powerful thing. Before you put another moment of action into your goals… make sure you REALLY want to succeed.
Have you DECIDED and COMMITTED to succeed?
True commitment is made evident by a structure that supports what you are truly committed to. It always amazes me how quickly we can name the “MAIN obstacle” holding us back from success. YET, when asked HOW MUCH TIME you spend trying to overcome that MAIN obstacle, I am often met with a blank stare. The bottom line is that we have accepted the main obstacle as just that. The obstacle has stumped us because we are simply not TRULY committed to success.
The DECISION and COMMITMENT to succeed is more important than anything else in your business. Heck… not just in your business.. If you are committed to a thriving marriage, having regular nights out at a bar as a single man is NOT part of a structure that will support your commitment. If you are committed to losing weight, having a house full of processed baked goods is NOT part of a structure that will support your success. If you are truly committed to being profitable in your business, you had better build a structure that will support this commitment. (i.e. make time and room for your business to grow… invest in a SOLID marketing “education”, and hire a coach!!) If you are committed to breast feeding, don’t waste money on buying formula “just in case”. If you are truly committed to your marriage, don’t keep your other ‘options open’.
Bottom line: Have you DECIDED to succeed or are you still entertaining a “plan B” just in case?
Are you being held ACCOUNTABLE?
Weight Watchers succeeds wildly because they have a simple plan AND weekly accountability. Without accountability to our goals, it is far to easy to slip into unproductive habits, and “stinking thinking” that keeps us from taking BOLD action towards our goals. Accountability (when done right) keeps us focused, driven, inspired, and strategic! For me, weekly accountability is a “business tool” I simply can NOT afford to go without.
Are you taking (strategic) ACTION?
Well, what is STRATEGIC action for you and your business? Luckily, business is a relatively simple “beast” to figure out… because you can simple look at the numbers and they will TELL you clearly what to do. Many people wonder WHAT they should be doing to get the results they want. They ask if they should continue this activity or that? The answer is simple: Look at your list of clients or customers. WHERE did they come from? WHAT did you do to get that client or customer or account. Whatever it is that you did, that ACTION is strategic for your business.
Do more of that.
Conversely, if you are continuing to invest your money (like in advertising) or your time (like in networking) in something that has YET to produce a profit for you… then you can free up your schedule and your budget considerably if you simply STOP doing THAT. (This is for business profitability ONLY.. not in LIFE, of course.)
Jeanie says
My son (17) walks into the kitchen and tells me now that school started he has no time to think about making his movie. I said it didn’t make any difference because all summer long he didn’t do anything then either.
He was feeling defeated in his past goals that he did not accomplish.
I started reading this post to him (we often share things we are reading).
He said that’s strange that this is what I was reading when he just brought up the stuff about the movie.
I then realized the coincidence of it all.
Webly says
You are preaching to the choir. I’ve been doing an inventory of my circle of friends and thinking about why in the world my business is not where I want it to be. You just answered the question. I am allowing sonmany things to take up my precious time, useless networking and not getting the help that I need from souces that has proven record.
What I know for sure is that somehow I feel that investing into going to spark and hustle in boston is not going to be money wasted. Funny I learned about it at the unemployment office.
Motivating blog now I have to start getting some friction.