Getting new clients for your business is a worthy goal. Sometimes, it’s an urgent goal. For smart business owners, it’s a constant goal. But, beyond the first few months in business, it should never again be a DAUNTING goal. If you need (or want) more money in your business, and you’ve tried everything else, you may want to keep reading.
You Must Create Ideal Positioning With Your Target Market
Is positioning an issue for you? It is if you find yourself:
- haggling over price,
- taking on less than ideal clients,
- chasing clients,
- being asked to do a whole lot for free or for “exposure.”
All of these things point to something I rarely see sales and marketing “gurus” give enough credence to: a need for deliberate POSITIONING. A fabulous, favorite, and VERY HIGH EARNING client of mine sent me a message this morning with regard to a comment about an email she drafted. Without revealing too much, here’s what she said,
My intention was to demonstrate that I was neither a light weight nor a groupie.
Brilliant woman. You see, she knows that there’s a POSITIONING aspect to every yes. The same is true for every industry. Here’s the question you need to ask, IN GENERAL, in your business:
Who does my market need to see me as in order to trust me to provide a solution for them?
Let’s assume you’re an attorney. It’s true that you may be LEGALLY able to handle everything from a traffic ticket to a divorce to a drug charge to a mass murder charge. HOWEVER, consider your ideal client and your ideal field of law. NOW, you get to decide…. do you market in a way that makes you a hard-skinned, take no prisoners, warrior / lawyer — ideal for a highly paid criminal lawyer? OR do you market in a way that makes you seem like a non-judgmental, nurturing, patient attorney — with a tough side in court — that would be ideal for an attorney seeking female clients in a custody battle?
Let’s assume you’re a life coach. Your work can be over-simplified by stating that you help make plans and boundaries and direction out of chaos. Therefore, your own positioning, marketing, blogging and more must align with the END RESULT your clients want. This is positioning.
We can go on for hours with more examples, but do yourself a favor and PICK your positioning. DO NOT LEAVE it to chance. Great marketing — absent a deliberate POSITIONING statement — can often fall flat. Worse than that, it can do more harm than good. And I have seen hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on otherwise GREAT advertising — that worked against the business owner because of very sloppy positioning.
Proper positioning can keep you from chasing clients and — instead — have them patiently, line up to work with you. Better to be the hunter… than the hunted, Amen? =)
Thanks for sharing this and found this on BizSugar. Great advise and I totally can’t deny that!
Keep up the good work and you just got a new avid reader! 🙂
Have a great day.