If I may be candid… not long ago (and I mean DAYS ago) I was literally considering one of those “cut and paste” messages that promises to “reset Facebook’s algorithm.” lol.. Not even joking, I actually considered it.
Because one of my most recent intensives didn’t fly off the shelves as — IN MY OPINION — it “should” have. 😊 In fact, when a friend asked me how many sold, I stumbled a bit. In truth, I hadn’t looked at my numbers. I was surprised and ashamed that I couldn’t rattle off the number, but I KNEW it was disappointing… so I went home and checked.
It was worse than I thought.
Now, in these moments, I have two options.
I can definitely go with the whole “Zuckerberg don’t like me” story, the algorithm angle…
I can re-look at my copy and consider the fact that — well — I just missed the mark. I just wrote impotent copy. I just created something or POSITIONED SOMETHING in a way that didn’t resonate with my people.
The first option is easiest. It relieves me of responsibility. I can be mad at facebook and save my ego the “hit” of being deemed — by the PEOPLE — as irrelevant, ignorable, etc.
But that option ALSO robs me of my power to change things.
So, I went with option two.
First, I sold something ELSE.
Something I KNEW had always sold.
with copy I’d proven.
If the algorithm was cock-blocking me, I’d know it.
But it sold.
In fact, the program filled SO QUICKLY, I had to turn people away.
So — with the “big bad algorithm” let off the hook — I took another look at the original offer (the one that didn’t sell the way I anticipated) and took it apart.
I assessed the price, which — frankly — I opted not to change because of the number that HAD purchased, but I LEARNED from this… and WILL be course correcting PRICE in the future. Like, from now on.
I also saw a gaping hole in how I PRESENTED the offer, so I created a workbook designed as a PREAMBLE to the course itself, but also a preamble that FILLED that gaping hole.
I offered that workbook for free…
On the SAME book of faces,
assumedly into the SAME evil algorithm, lol..
but something changed.
People saw it,
Guys, if you FEEL like you’re being “shadow banned,” MAYBE you are. MAYBE those silly little cut and paste “resetters of the almighty algorithm” ACTUALLY WORK.
But nine times out of ten, I doubt it.
Nine times out of ten, my money is on the fact that your content just missed the mark.
It just didn’t land.
It didn’t light them up.
It didn’t move them to action.
They saw it and kept scrolling.
So, don’t let yourself off so easy and blame the algorithm.
Don’t AVOID tinkering with your own marketing, messaging or offer.
Don’t ROB YOURSELF of the power to MANUFACTURE success by blaming something you have absolutely NO control over.
Just take another look, and ask,
“why are they not THAT into me?”
And then.. fix THAT.
If you WANT that free Workbook, 30+ pages of LIGHT A FIRE UNDER YOUR BUTT, SOUL INJECTIONS that will WAKE YOU UP to your potential, message me or comment below.
If you KNOW You want IN on our TRUE SUCCESS FILES intensive, read more about it here and join: https://www.bmichellepippin.com/true-success-files…/ Or if you have questions, message me about them. Our pre-work has already been sent out, but the first training takes place today at 11 AM EST.