We know the WHO of our harvest plan… and if you did last week’s assignment, you probably know more about your “who” than any one of your competitors. Now, we need to know the WHERE to show up to get new clients and get more clients. Where will you find your clients? Where will you show up? Based on what you know about your target market, where will you begin to plant your business flag? What field will you claim as your own?
For more on this concept, here are two articles about “owning your own forest.” (Part one. Part two.)
You want a “forest” or a “field” that you can lay claim to, and then dominate relatively easily. Fields of Profit will meet the following requirements:
- it’s full of our clients, but not crowded with competitors;
- it’s easy for us to reach and come back to regularly;
- is favorable to us; and
- we can dominate it quickly.
Here’s a quick example… I work very well with coaches and speakers. This is a struggling market and their “field” is full of hot-air gurus taking their money and never delivering results. However, I quickly learned that if I chose a field of “coaches” in general, I’d have to speak with 20 struggling coaches to find ONE that was successful ENOUGH to afford my fees, OR I needed to find them before their marketing budget was blown and wasted on this blueprint and that intensive and the other program. I had to scope out my own “field” within a field to begin harvesting, and so I deliberately began creating relationships with PUBLISHERS and COACHING ASSOCIATIONS. This narrowed my field down to coaches who were working with a publisher and / or were active members of a coaching association. It was like a magical shift…. far less wasted time, far less frustration speaking to those who needed a $200 coach, and far MORE ideal clients.
But that’s my story.
What’s yours? Let’s give some thought to YOUR fields of profit. Where will you show up, lay claim and dominate? Post any questions below in the comments and I’ll get back to you.