Put simply: I’m not serving a tribe of wantrepreneurs.
I’m serving the DO-ers, the change makers, the job creators. I’m not serving those who have gobs of time for me to follow the standard model of live “trainings,” which is…
— Approximately 3 minutes of shifting the camera and “waiting to see ‘who’s on,” (HINT: I get my crap sorted BEFORE I go live, to honor my audience who SHOULD — as seriously driven women entrepreneurs — resent anything else.)
— 12 – 15 full minutes of small talk, including some funny story of something that happened to me today. (HINT: Maybe I just don’t think that highly of myself… I assume we’re ALL building our own empires and my tribe wants the training, direction, encouragement STRAIGHT UP, not mixed and diluted with my own personal fluff.)
— FINALLY at about 18 minutes in, a NUGGET of training is given, but,
OMG… do you KNOW what i can accomplish in 18 full minutes?
And so can my tribe.
Which is why this time wasting “new norm” would be an insult to them. And a GRAVE disservice.
I can not,
I WILL not,
cultivate a culture of IDLE TIME within the Women Who WOW community of DO-ers.
I wouldn’t recommend that they waste time watching some celebrity live stream and call it “business development,” and so I can’t do something similar and call it business development.
So, how DO i cover such deep dives into strategy, mindset and marketing in 20 – 30 minutes LIVE? Well, first…. I start (like a professional typically does) when I say I’m going to start.
And then, I get started RIGHT AWAY.
Often, I WILL use stories or analogies, to illustrate a point, but my stories will NEVER be the deep dive itself.
So, THAT is how I can use “deep dive” and “20 minutes” in the same sentence. THIS is also HOW I continue to attract the #bizwomen with the HIGHEST DRIVE and LOWEST TOLERANCE for B.S. This little “secret” can be summed up in my absolute DISDAIN for having my time wasted, and therefore, refusing to waste this most precious resource of others.
P.S. Yesterday, I had a day of private strategy sessions. I always allow 90 minutes for these. Yesterday, as is often the case, the calls end after only 45 minutes or so. The client literally says, “I don’t think we can cover any more. I’m ready to get to work.”
Oh yes, friend… THAT is the Women Who WOW mentality. THAT is the Women Who WOW way. We’ll take 13.4 minutes to plan a full 3 month program and then, you know, we GET TO IT.
Because it’s all in the strategy planning and RUTHLESS implementation. No time to waste, here… because we’re up to something.
If you would like a private strategy session, or if you’d like to know more about Women Who WOW (and when we’ll open our doors again to new members) private message me for details.