If you’re reading this… and you’ve been doing all the things, you’ve been carefully crossing off every dot point, showing up at the “right times,” getting pics with the right people, saying the “right” things, using the “right” tools… and yet you feel NO CLOSER to your goals than before… this one’s for you.
If you’ve even been doing those silly “REELS,” you know… because all of the evidence says that this is how to grow an audience on Insta… lol… PLEASE keep reading.
Side note and apparently unpopular opinion: Those reels, you know the ones, the ones that show grown up women SORT of shimmying, SORT of dancing, SORT of trying (really hard) to look sexy just before they start POINTING at various phrases that pop up… Dear God in heaven, they are SO cringe I can’t even watch them.
AND I am that woman who can watch ANY cringe-worthy TV moment, even while my family covers their eyes in collective humiliation, begging me to cut it off. So, for me to NOT be able to watch… is saying something.
If you feel the same,
please make a comment below,
just so I’m not so alone.
But can we stick with the REELS example for a minute? (Not ANY reels, I’m talking about the shimmying ones. lol…)
The reason it feels so cringe-y is because it’s so obviously a “I’m trying SOOOOO hard, DESPERATELY hard to get your attention!” Trying too hard — for attention — is never a great vibe.
Trying too hard, desperately hard — for attention — is ALWAYS an annoyance, always pitiful.
Trying too hard will NEVER be magnetic. It will NEVER attract more than a pitying glance from kind people, and ridicule from those not-so-kind.
So, the ONLY way to grow a tribe is to show up NAKED. Not the way that recently-divorced woman who just lost 40 pounds shows up … Not THAT naked, but in a way that says,
Naked in a way that DEFIES society’s attempt to convince us that we NEED all sorts of things: the look, the handbag, the software, the fancy branding, the status…. in order to be listened to.
NAKED in a way that EMBRACES our core being-ness, our core message, our core WORTHINESS.
NAKED in a way that stands TALLER than ANY OTHER BRAND. Why??? Because we are NOT weighed down by all the LAYERS of musts and shoulds and rules.
You see, all this playing dress up,
all these rules you are trying to follow,
to please the SEO gods and the internet marketing gods and the take-the-stage gods…
I GET that you are a hustler,
and you’re going to do your part.
GOOD. So am I.
BUT all of these little rules and shoulds and “musts…”
they PILE UP,
like raggedy little clothes,
that NEVER fit you…
and were NEVER your color,
but you’re DAILY putting them on
just the same,
squeezing into some
and letting others drag the floor,
AND This is how you show up,
like David in the King’s armor,
dressed like a warrior is “supposed” to dress,
but clunky, slow, boxed in…
Unable to REALLY show who you are,
DEMONSTRATE your own unique talent.
The ONLY way to build a profitable tribe is to STRIP away all of the things that weigh down and cover up your soul.
The ONLY way to build a profitable tribe is to show up NAKED, as fully enough. No dress up. No stage makeup. No pretense. No costumes. No scripts.
Just PURE soul,
pure YOU…
THIS level of authenticity, woman…
is NOTHING short of magnetic.
And profitable.
So I’m doing a thing.
NAKED, a business devotional.
21 days of SOUL excavation.
21 days of releasing the ties that bind.
21 days of stripping away the gunk.
21 days of pure you-ness.
21 days of dismantling the shoulds.
21 days of letting THEM see you.
BONUS: This program will also:
— Expose the 5 SPECIFIC factors that will IMMEDIATELY impact the LEVEL of authenticity and autonomy you will enjoy — PROFITABLY — in your business.
— Usher in the independence you want by shifting just a FEW key “rules” in your business.
— Arm you for how to graciously handle the pushback you’ll INEVITABLY face when you start doing business on your own terms.
— Arm you with the concepts, tools, words, phrases, plus more that you need to see if you EVER want to TRULY do business on your own terms.
if you want IN…
Message me or comment below.
This will be a “cheap” program,
like buying SEEDS instead of full blown plants.
Which is preferable in this case,
so they can take root.