This is a question I get asked repeatedly. Weekly, at least. And people will assume that I’m not like them, or they’re not like me … or they don’t “have” that certain magic whatever that would make MY pace possible for THEM.
You know, at least not without massive burn out and exhaustion and adrenal fatigue.
All bull feces.
I am AVERAGE in NEARLY every single way.
In fact, my youngest daughter wrote a song about me once.
She named it — I kid you not — “Average Woman.”
I am ABOVE average in ONLY two areas:
- Pragmatism (I use LOGIC — not emotion — to assess what’s TRUE and what’s working) and
- GRIT (I do that which works over and over and over again, for as long as it takes to achieve my goals.)
Both pragmatism AND grit can become habitual, by the way, learned and practiced by any of us, at any time.
But, the DAILY PRACTICAL answer to how I get it all done is…
- I do a LOT out of habit. Meaning, I have a routine which is absolutely automatic and requires no thought or decision making. This saves an enormous amount of effort and energy.
- I can GO, GO, GO because I am also –often, daily — STILL, STILL, STILL. I have a lot of quiet time, a lot of ME time, a lot of down time…. EACH and EVERY day. Solitude FILLS my cup, so I’m sure to bathe it in early, often and daily. For you, it may be something other than (or opposite of) solitude, but if you want to do ALL THE THINGS, you’ve got to FUEL your soul.
- I have an environment that is conducive to efficiency and productivity. YES, I’m talking about my physical office, designed not only to inspire me, but to EQUIP me to succeed, but also to the “rules” or “boundaries” that eliminate (or at a MINIMUM, GREATLY REDUCE) distractions.
MOST entrepreneurs (especially women entrepreneurs) think they need to be MORE or TOTALLY ACCESSIBLE in order to succeed when the OPPOSITE is actually true. I have firm and fast rules that protect ACCESS to me, which allows me to work distraction-free. Message me about my upcoming training on how I PLAN “access to me.”
- I am committed.
When I say I’m doing something,
I’m doing it. Period.
And that means I invest the SWEAT EQUITY NECESSARY to bring what I want to life… from fantasy to fruition.
I manifest through a healthy marriage of DECISION and then DOING.
- I IGNORE, a lot. Anything not mission critical, is ignored. it turns out that a LOT of what people say MUST be done can be, dare I say MUST BE ignored if you’re going to reach your business goals. The dotting every “i” thing and crossing every “t” nonsense is more aligned for corporate America. Entrepreneurial success is cooked up in a MUCH messier kitchen.
- I respond deliberately and NOT like a dog chasing a ball. A lot of entrepreneurs wonder why they’re not getting MORE done, but they are literally being RUN by this ding and that ping. Something dings or pings and they feel compelled NOT ONLY TO SEE WHAT IT IS, but also to respond — immediately. As if they’re a dog chasing a ball and not a woman running an empire. If you want MORE direction on how to be PRODUCTIVE instead of just BUSY, message my friend Lindsay Satterfield about her online productivity course. Seriously… it changes lives (and bottom lines.)
- I am SO focused on and LIT UP by what I am creating, I am NOT easily distracted. I hear women talking about laundry and dishes A LOT. They’ll admit to thinking about these things while having sex with their husband. (???!!!) They’ll say how HARD it is to work with these things “undone.” My thought: If you had a business that LIT YOU UP, you wouldn’t even NOTICe the dishes, let alone give them PRIORITY over your work. (And I don’t even know what to say about the sex thing. I literally cannot EVEN imagine how BAD the sex would have to be for me to have even ONE random THOUGHT about dishes.)
So, I guess it comes down to having a healthy OBSESSION with my business, daily habits that fill me up and allow me to UNLEASH what needs to be unleashed, BLINDERS that keep me focused and the GRIT necessary to keep going when others would quit.
TODAY, Women Who WOW starts a training series on the SEVEN SUCCESS SYSTEMS that create WILD SUCCESS. We’re starting with MARKETING and the 4 critical components of a marketing plan that grows your business, your brand AND your bottom line. If you’re NOT YET a women who WOW member, message me for details.