I used to love bowling with my kids because it gave me an excuse to use bumpers. Those handy little tools kept me zig zagging toward the goal — all while avoiding the gutters, which (of course) can render that entire bowl completely useless… zero points.
I remember the first time I signed up for weekly accountability in my business, thinking that this weekly check-in and FOCUS on my bottom line served as a business-saving bumper. Every week, I’d bump up against a brilliant businessman who was partnering with me in my own success. Every week, I’d shine a light on what I was doing in my business. Every week, I’d made room for real-time course-correction.
And as a result, I’d avoid the gutters of business… the gutters of stagnation, frustration, or just feeling stuck…. the gutter of objections I couldn’t seem to overcome on my own… the gutter of being frazzled or overwhelmed… the gutter of lost focus… and more.
I love the fact that — weekly — I serve as a bumper for the courageous and committed members of my own WoW Factor Coaching gym. I love their tolerance of and willingness to embrace my candor. I love their tenacity. I HUMBLY serve — as their bumper.
But my question to you today is this: WHO serves as YOUR bumper in business? Who keeps YOU out of the gutter? Who hold you accountable to YOUR goals?
Btw, the answer doesn’t have to be me! =) =) But, you should have SOMEONE you bump into regularly who will hold YOU accountable to your best.