Here’s a hard truth that most reject, making business ten times more frustrating and slow than it EVER has to be.
I know you love what you do or sell. I know your products are LEGIT, they totally work, they’re vegan (or whatever), GMO-free and take YEARS off your face. š I know your approach to dentistry is better than hers. I know your work as a therapist works faster and better. I know your subscription box is WAY better. I know your financial products and solutions are way better, safer and proven than others on the market. I know your approach to weight loss is simpler and faster than his. I know that as a coach you REALLY show up and ACTUALLY help your clients GET WHERE THEY WANT TO BE.
There is a very simple, very real.. hard, unfair truth about what it takes to succeed.
For illustrative purposes, let’s focus on a product-based, #directsales, #MLM company for a minute. Let’s assume — on a scale of 1-10 — that your products are a FIFTEEN in terms of effectiveness. Going further, let’s assume — on that same scale — that your corporate (and personal) customer service experience is ALSO a FIFTEEN.
Here’s the hard truth:
if you do NOT know how to ACQUIRE CUSTOMERS,
if you are NOT skilled in how to talk, write and present in a way that GETS PAYING CUSTOMERS… If you do NOT have a consistent, proven way to get people to BUY your superior products….
you will still make too little money. WAY too little.
Consider it in the MLM space.
This why some people make $xxx,xxx per month,
and others
selling the same product
at the same price,
with the same specials,
using the same pay structure…
have to SPEND money each month to “keep their rank.”
The difference:
Those at the top
focused on
practiced at
and GOT GOOD at
client / customer acquisition.
This why Women Who WOW was begun with ONE simple directive: To keep a CONSTANT eye on business development.
To those in #directsales, how are you SHOWING why people should choose your products over any and every option they have available to them? Oh, I KNOW you have that answer memorized, but here’s the REAL question: how are you SHOWING why people should join YOUR team / YOUR opportunity … over any and every other MLM option out there soliciting them?
It may seem
and it IS
that the BEST
surgeons and healers
aren’t paid more
than the mediocre surgeon next door.
It may seem UNFAIR that
the coach who you paid $10K to
— who rarely showed up,
pushed you off on an “employee coach”
for support–
is raking in 6-figures in income each month…
while YOU
really helping people
with earnest intention and
solid integrity,
can barely eek out a decent living.
Maybe it is “unfair.”
Learning how to get clients, customers and patients is a SKILL that can be learned and taught… by you. Should you CHOOSE to focus on business development and client acquisition… you’ll make more money. Period.
SO how do you DIFFERENTIATE and stand out in this market, this industry, etc… so you can attract the clients / patients / customers you want and deserve???
By showing up NAKED,
There is a LOT of #metoo and #samesame going on in marketing these days. And even SOME not marketing at all.
Did you know that EVEN IN THIS market,
people are interviewing SIX #realestateagents before hiring one? š
But real estate agents are in a market where cash is literally chasing them up hill, so they’re not even NOTICING their lack of effort in differentiating themselves. Make no mistake #realtor, these conditions will not last forever and your competition (number of real estate agents) is growing like wild fire. When things calm down, how will you SHOW people why to choose you over any and every other competitor?
Coaches, subscription box people, therapists: SAME QUESTION. How are you showing up DIFFERENT? There are a ton of schools teaching coaches how to be BETTER coaches, teaching the technical skills of a membership site, certifying therapists…. but the money is really (and ALWAYS) in the skill of enrolling clients…. magnetizing a market, getting attention, sharing a dream and getting people to YES.
So, how much time are you spending on THIS??? How much time are you spending on SHOWING the market:
Who you are
Why they should trust you
Why they should take your advice and act on it
What EFFORT are you putting into developing
(or…. celebrity?)
NAKED, a business devotional will help you do all of this and more…. and in a way that aligns DIRECTLY with your soul…. in a way that feels like “Just living.”
People often ask me how much I work.
I don’t know.
I read my Bible every day.
I journal every day.
I muse every day.
I write every day.
I dream and scheme every day.
Is this work?
It’s certainly where all of my content comes from. It’s certainly where my messages are born. But is it WORK??? I don’t know because I do it because i LOVE it.
I have BUILT this business around me,
MY routines,
MY preferences,
MY personality.
I have BUILT my business deliberately
so that it is FUELED by the things I love to do anyway.
I did this without following the internet marketing rules, without EVER paying to play, without buying advertising, without pursuing numbers on social media. ALL of this is possible because I had the SHEER audacity to show up as myself.
Un-filtered and un-homogenized.
I have been mocked,
talked bad about,
whispered about
and looked down on.
I have been “counseled” on how to fit in,
how to look more professional,
how to
Well, no thanks.
This doesn’t even make common sense woman.
You want to STAND OUT
in order to make money.
To do this well,
You’ve got to be willing to FULLY YOU.
No masks.
No pretense.
No tom-foolery.
You, naked and unashamed.
If this makes common sense to you,
if it is screaming your name,
PARTICULARLY if you’ve been hanging around
but STUBBORNLY (lol..) NOT joining Women Who WOW…
join my “cheap and deep” program:
NAKED: A business Devotional.
21 Days LIVE with me.
21 days of SOUL excavation.
21 days of releasing the ties that bind.
21 days of stripping away the gunk.
21 days of pure you-ness.
21 days of dismantling the shoulds.
21 days of letting THEM see you.
you in?