This is a word that can trigger #womenentrepreneurs — largely because we see the word HUSTLE and immediately think of a harried schedule, no time to breathe, no time to enjoy life… we see HUSTLE and envision a rushed, pillar-to-post existence… an 8 to late “grind” that has us seeking an escape.
Or Define it more accurately, adjusting our DEFINITION of the hustle so that it’s something we absolutely ADORE. What if HUSTLE became a perfect fit???
Here’s the thing. My business changed, turned around, saw a huge increase when I fell in LOVE with the hustle when I got passionate about my own daily GRIND.
I never fell in love with a RUSHED DAY.
I never fell in love with being scheduled from 8 to late.
I fell in LOVE with my own “evolved” definition of HUSTLE, and then I adjusted my DAILY GRIND to match.
So, here’s HUSTLE, defined the WomenWhoWOW way:
Doing the work you were BORN to do, day in and day out, without apology, excuse or exhaustion.. because when you’re doing THIS work, you create FREEDOM in your business and the WORK ITSELF is fuel for each day.
Let’s break it down.
Doing the work you were BORN TO DO.
The work you are uniquely qualified for, in a way that suits your schedule, personality, lifestyle preferences. this is the work that is SO unique to YOUR DNA that you operate in a competitive-free vacuum, creating both DEMAND and FREEDOM because these two things go hand in hand.
Doing it — the hustle — day in and day out without apology…. because when you’re doing NUANCED work that is uniquely yours, you’ll drive some people away. They won’t appreciate it. They won’t get it. That’s okay… let them go, wish them well.
Doing “the hustle” day in and day out without excuse… because — seriously — you can’t NOT do the work. It’s PART of who you are… it OOZES from your pores.
I’m reminded of this Bible verse where Jesus says that if his disciples kept quiet, “even the ROCKS would cry out.” This is how I’ve always felt when I’ve tried to FORCE myself out of the “hustle,” like the last time I was in Jamaica, vowing NOT to “work.” I can push it down for a while but eventually, I find myself coaching other entrepreneurs at the dinner table, dreaming and scheming… because I just can’t separate THIS ALIGNED HUSTLE from who I am… I just can’t keep it hidden, I can’t push it down.
Moving on. Doing the daily hustle without EXHAUSTION, because being ON PURPOSE and FULLY ALIGNED is amazingly clean fuel for your body. If you’re EXHAUSTED, you’re either doing the WRONG work or you’re doing it in a way that DEPLETES rather than fuels you. If this is the case, remember:
WHAT YOU DO is up to you.
HOW you do it is up to you.
You ARE the boss.
Doing business YOUR WAY is THE FASTEST WAY to BUILD DEMAND for your work and FREEDOM in your business. When you fully align your work, your schedule, your marketing (THE HUSTLE) with your CORE desires and preferences, it’s then that you opt out of the “competition zone.”
So, here’s the challenge today…
Answer this: What does an IDEAL day look like for me? What does it feel like? How do I spend my mornings? My afternoons? My evenings?
Now, what if THIS is the exact stuff that made you money? What is THIS is the exact stuff that brought in clients?
I can tell you that 90% of my time is spent EXACTLY according to my own preferred way of “hustling” for my business. I need no escape and yes — I DO love the hustle. And all this stuff I love… it builds my business.