Behind the scenes of Women Who WOW we’re tackling a topic, the tendency, the TREND… that frankly I’m shocked I’ve never covered before:
The Ways (Big and Small, Spoken & Unspoken) that Women Entrepreneurs Give Away Their Power & Profit.
We’ll dive deep into this tomorrow, but today… I want to address the BIGGEST way women put undue pressure on their business and practically ROB it of any and all ability to produce a healthy profit:
Many women have a STRONG desire to be liked…
and we bring that desire to our business…
inter-weaving our desire to be liked, applauded, accepted, affirmed
with our desire to make money.
the desire to make money
can actually FALL behind
all of these other desires.
EVEN when someone desperately “needs” the money.
And our business results SHOW it.
So, if you’re doing all the things…
getting interested in your stuff,
hearing the applause,
seeing the “likes”
but NOT hearing the cha-chings,
Try unburdening your business from tasks it was never meant to carry.
Social validation.
These outcomes are simply not the function of a healthy business. Your business will SOAR when you — instead — go to market with all of these things sorted in your heart and soul.
When you go INTO business conversations with your self-worth, confidence, validation, and all of that COMPLETELY settled, your business is FREED UP to do what it is BORN to do.
As a quick reminder, your business is designed to do THREE things:
✅ impact people,
✅ influence a market, and
✅ create an income.
the friendships,
the fame,
the attagirls,
the attention,
the cool opportunities,
the soaring confidence
can be proud BONUSes of UNBURDENED business.
But the unburdening will come FIRST.
So, spend some quiet time tonight and see where you’re perhaps :
NOT charging what you want,
not SAYING what you want,
tolerating disrespect…
ALL because you want to “look nice,” or “not be mean” or “prove yourself”???
Anyway, we’re going DEEP into this tomorrow within membership. It will be a HUGE AHA moment for us. AHA first. Cha-Chings will follow.