A lot of people TEACH membership. It’s a popular concept, as it should be. It’s a nearly MIRACULOUS model, But FAR TOO FEW (of those teaching it) are actually profitable year after year in their OWN membership.
Even less have the SAME membership over years… they’ll close one down and open another.
Even fewer have it as the CORE of their income, resulting in a couple of things which will feel familiar to you if you’ve ever paid for “most” memberships:
👇 their financial need to move you “up the ladder” of financial commitment pushes them to DISTANCE themselves from their membership so that you pay more for greater access.
👇 their hustle to make money OUTSIDE of membership takes their focus away from their members.
This is not a post about starting a membership of your own, but I have some great (free) resources if you’d like them. Just comment or message me and I’ll shoot it over. I have been doing memberships since the days when we used “magic jack” phone lines to serve our members, and NO scheduling software, lol.. So you would literally KEEP calling until you got me. Fun times.
This IS a post about what a membership COULD be…. for you as a member.
I have never TAKEN AWAY member benefits. I have always added. I have focused on my members and LARGELY the membership grows because they bring their friends. Here, they experience a true partnership with me, a real camaraderie with their WOW sisters. HERE, they are seen, supported, applauded. HERE they are not a number or a means to an end.
With Women Who WOW, our members ARE our mission. My mission. So, while MOST memberships are going more and more digital, more and more DISTANT, focused more on information and teaching, WOW has been doing the opposite.
With our doors having been (too long) closed to new members, I have been pouring into my EXISTING members. I have been testing how I can add MORE coaching, MORE 1:1 even… without overwhelming my own schedule and while BETTER serving my esteemed members.
I’m proud to say that Women Who WOW has become MORE of a TRUE coaching container. HERE is what members now receive for LITERALLY less than a cup of coffee a day. Like 1/2 that cost. 😊
** Monthly accountability coaching, where we measure your goals as well as your activity month to month.
**1:1 coaching via phone (or zoom) 2x each month. (Only those coming in via friends and family get this benefit.)
**ON DEMAND Asynchronous coaching via AUDIO on Facebook Messenger. (If we are not friends, we can do this via my biz message link.)
** JUMPSTART walkthrough of our training library. New members get a questionnaire that will help us put together a customized “playlist” of trainings that will give you the best bang for your buck, so to speak.
** Monthly e-coaching;
** ALL Women Who WOW LIVE trainings included throughout year. NEXT UP is a 14-day intensive called CHARGE!!
** Monthly “Content, Celebrity, Clout and Cash” report showing what’s working now.
** NEW for February 2024: media introductions as journalists increasingly rely on WOW for stories and interviews.
** DAILY jolts of inspiration served up hot and fresh through our Entrepreneurial Espresso email.
More as I add it. When they zig, we zag, right. As memberships begin to become synonymous with content libraries, we double down on the woman behind the business: true coaching. Let me know if you want a link to join. It would be my honor to welcome you.