This may be the shortest and most important blog post you’ll ever read — if you need or want more income, more clients, more sales.
And you do, right?
The more income you see, the more sales you make, the more checks you deposit… ALL INDICATORS of how many MORE people you are helping, whether you sell organic dog food, Shakeology, therapy, or coaching. It is true that your income SHOULD line up with the value you provide to your market.
Of course, to get there, you MUST learn how to sell. To help MORE people, you must become an expert sales person… in print, in video, and / or in person.
Selling has been an eager and life long pursuit for me. And there are strategies, sequences, nuances that are important, but are beyond the scope of this blog post. I encourage you to read more about sales here.
But, for today, let’s get clear on the #1 Job You have in a Sales Conversation. I’ll give you a hint: When you need more sales, your #1 job in a sales meeting is NOT to build rapport. It is NOT to foster relationship. It is NOT — as someone said to me years ago — to get them to say “WOW!” It is not to build trust.
Now, all of these things may happen. I hope they do.
But do not lose sight of your #1 Job in a sales conversation, which is:
Don’t lose sight of this. Keep it at the forefront of your mind. Why am I so bold with this? How do I justify this bold attitude towards selling?
Because I WANT relationship, rapport, trust. And the sale is the BEGINNING of a professional relationship. It’s the start of it. From there, from that moment — and not a moment before — I can begin to TRULY serve the person I’m in front of. Get the sale to earn a customer. Don’t get a customer to earn a sale.
Read that last part again. It’s an important and integrity-filled shift in how you approach your market.
Happy Selling!