Yesterday was one of my favorite days of the month… the day that I spend ALL DAY talking 1:1 with Women Who WOW members. I love it, look forward to it. It is a full day that absolutely energizes me,
and also
shows me where we need to go,
where we need to shift,
what lies between where WOW members are right now,
and where we all know we SHOULD be, where we are headed.
Yesterday, I heard
— over and over again —
words that caused me some major pause.
When discussing something they were doing,
Or not doing,
or doing in a certain way or a certain order,
members stated their “identity.”
“I’m a __(insert former career)____________ so I… ”
“Well, that’s hard because I’m ___(insert mom, caretaker, etc.)____”
“Lol.. Well, I’m a _______(insert “sign” aquarius / libra)_____.”
It hit me like a ton of bricks.
They / WE
— EVEN US within the walls of WOW —
are anchored to identities OTHER than who we are becoming, who we KNOW we were born to be. We’re anchored to past identities, or some star sign or personality test or WHATEVER.
Oh, and friend,
I sooooo get it.
My identity for more than a decade was the SAHM who “made ends meet” with “this little business” of mine. I identified as someone who PLAYED business woman at my events, but who identified as someone or something else.
I danced BRIEFLY
with fanciful ideas of becoming a leader,
of being QUOTED,
of being followed,
of having my own tribe of badass women entrepreneurs.
But the dance was brief,
and because my IDENTITY wasn’t
anchored in my OWN conviction
of the fact that I was BORN to lead,
to preach,
to message,
to impact,
to lead the leaders,
to inspire change,
to shift perspectives…
I remained anchored to the role I knew:
that of SAHM,
occasionally that of WAHM.
This is how I identified myself to others.
I’m a SAHM.
I’m a WAHM.
Never even I’m a business owner.
Never even that I’m an entrepreneur.
I NEVER THOUGHT of identifying as a writer.
I never thought of identifying as an industry leader.
And so… anchored I remained,
to a former,
identity that made my TRUE identity feel like a costume,
something I put on temporarily…
for a brief dance.
Until I experienced a massive shift.
Until I began to identify APPROPRIATELY.
Until I began to name and CLAIM my rightful spot in the market, and in the world.
So, who are YOU?
Who were you BORN to be?
Who are you ACTIVELY becoming?
Say it.
Own it.
Leave the outdated identities behind,
in favor of stepping INTO the FULLNESS of who you really are…
to your market.
Also, if you are a seriously driven woman…
why dance along the free peripherals of Women Who WOW?
Message me. I want to send you a document.
A document of major shifts
made by our members.
We’re the “not playing around” crew.
We’re here making BIG WINS.
I want you to join us. You’re ready.