How you START & GROW something matters.
When you’re planting a garden, you consider the SOIL and LOCATION before you ever plant an actual seed. When you’re raising kids, you consider their START… the youngest years. The START, the EARLY years (or moments) of anything are FOUNDATIONAL.
Can a “poor start” be overcome?
Can you course correct?
Of course!
I’m all about it.
But the earlier, the better.
Any amazing creation is a series of ongoing PRUNING sessions… ongoing alterations to keep things going or growing in the right direction.
So, your business.
Look at it in its current form,
and consider the following:
Are you PROUD of it?
Is it producing a healthy profit?
Is it too needy?
Does it DEMAND too much of your time?
Is it encroaching on your more important relationships or priorities?
Does it allow you to be fully expressed?
Does it help grow YOU?
Does it DEMAND your best?
Does it inspire you?
Does it give YOU money, or does it constantly demand YOU give IT moneY?
Do you LOVE showing up for your business?
Because here’s the thing…. don’t expect your business to just one day “mature” into the business you want. It has to be GROWN deliberately in that direction.
When my cousin’s kids were very small, they were really poorly behaved when they’d go out to dinner. Throwing plates, forks… that sort of thing. One day she asked me,
“When did your kids start behaving when you were out to eat?”
Oh, young mommas.
As if kids just ONE DAY wake up to proper behavior… as if one day a pre-school age kid will simply feel “too mature” to pitch a damn fit in the middle of a restaurant.
From day one, I guided their behavior.
I course corrected and directed them.
Starting early, and staying consistent.
You don’t raise kids to be liars and then hope they learn to tell the truth. You don’t start a marriage off in lies and deceit and hope one day it matures into trust. You don’t plant seeds in rocky soil under full shade and just hope it becomes a lush garden.
And you do NOT
raise a business off of adrenaline, sweat, stress and anxiety
and hope that one day
when it’s all grown up,
it won’t REQUIRE
more of the same.
Want a business that you LOVE?
A business that makes you a LOT of money
but also allows you AMPLE time to ENJOY the life you’re creating?
You MUST raise your business…
You MUST raise your business to be FUELED off of what FUELS you… In other words, if SEO and facebook ads and google algorithms don’t light you up, don’t build a business on them. Content marketing FUELS me. I LOVE to write. I LOVE to speak. It revs my engine. And so I made it my marketing engine. I literally, systematically, deliberately BUILT my business to live off of the FUEL that also fuels me.
You can
and should
do the same.
Starting now.
You MUST raise your business with healthy boundaries so that it KNOWS what time belongs to IT and what time belongs to everything else.
If you do not,
the waves of your business will ALWAYS infringe,
like a tsunami
on the shores of your life.
Many entrepreneurs think this is “just what you have to do.” B.S.
If you RAISE your business without healthy boundaries, it will NEVER learn them. So, start drawing those boundaries now.
You MUST raise your business to produce money. I mean, you’re in business to make money, right??? Otherwise, you’d call this thing a hobby, or a ministry even. But, you call it a business.
And by definition,
a business
produces a profit.
So do NOT make excuses for your business not doing it’s ONE job. Like a parent who excuses rotten behavior with “Oh, he needs a nap…” a business owner who excuses a lack of profit, is DOOMED for repeated misbehavior.
And a business NOT producing a profit,
is horrific misbehavior.
If you feed a fox, it WILL lose its ability, willingness and instinct to hunt for food. The same is true in your business. If you constantly pump money INTO your business, it WILL lose its natural ability to pump money OUT.
You MUST raise your business to STRETCH. Your business should stretch YOU and what you view as possible. Your business should never get “too comfortable” because in its natural state, a business is ALWAYS stretching, always reaching.
It depends on YOU to cheer it on,
to show up for the sprints AND the marathons,
to make it stronger, faster, more flexible.
If you want help making YOUR business
one you’re PROUD of,
one you ENJOY,
one that caters to YOUR lifestyle
and not the other way around…
Message me. I have a little membership to talk with you about.