I choose mentors really carefully. I do not want to be guided by someone whose success is not something I’d ever want to emulate. AND this is no judgement on them. MOST people would not want to live my life. I am VERY content at home. I do NOT love to travel. I am most inspired right here. I have ZERO intention of living here on social media or even batching content so it LOOKS like I live here on social media. I have no desire to be “busy.”
For some, this would be agony. Joan Rivers famously hated an “empty calendar” as it felt to her like she was “no longer in demand.” I have NO such issue with space on my calendar.
I just want to live my life,
on my own terms
and never have to consider the financial cost.
My business funds this.
THIS is my success. So, if you have become disenchanted with “the socials.” If you want to figure out another way… even if you run an “online” business like I do… I can show you that way. I live it out loud. In Women Who WOW, I pull back the curtain of EVERYTHING I do, nothing held back.
And WOW is a TRUE coaching container.
it is not a pre-recorded program with OLD Q&As.
There are COUNTLESS coaching opps throughout EACH month.
— ON DEMAND, ANYTIME Asynchronous audio coaching (1:1)
— 1:1 Phone coaching (2x month)
— Accountability coaching (1:1 via private google doc, every month)
PLUS the pre-recorded library,
ALLLL of my LIVE intensives at no additional cost,
the monthly Content, Celebrity, Clout and Cash report….
So much more.
There is no “try us for $1 option.” That just doesn’t align with me. BUT BUT BUT….
I AM getting ready to open a 14-day container
NO HOLDS BARRED coaching container…
complete with EVERY facet of Women Who WOW
for $97. (included for members of course!)
The focus: CHARGE!!
(to be read like… CHARRRRGGEEEE!!!) 😊
We’re taking 14 days to intentionally set up our YEAR for success. 14 days to get the coaching you need
to create the success you want, deserve and KNOW is possible for you.
14 days
To remove the junk,
to design the work,
to reconnect with your potential,
to MUTE that which does not serve,
and to FINALLY step FULLY in
to your MOST authentic business success!
LIVE training!! 1:1 coaching x infinity!!!
Let’s grab hold of 2025. I’m with you