Yesterday I was in Barnes and Noble, looking for very specific business magazines that I don’t already subscribe to. (My subscription list includes Entrepreneur, Inc., and Fast Company… in case you were interested.) Anyway, I couldn’t find them in the Current NEWS section as I have done previously. So, my Mom jokes, “maybe they’re in the Men’s Interest section.” ha ha ha….
NO JOKE... look at this picture. THERE, beneath the thinly veiled skin magazines, workout magazines and hobby magazines, I find my FAVORITE biz magazines ALONG with those I was looking to purchase…. in the MEN’S section?
Now, I’m not your typical feminist. I’ve never understood some of the “equal” status -especially small and liberal feminist groups constantly fight for – like when they were fighting to be sure women had to register for the draft. (Um… go ahead and register. Don’t fight to make it mandatory for ME!) I don’t believe in a glass ceiling. I don’t want to be without a push up bra and you won’t find me burning one anytime soon. I wear makeup… and dresses… But, Barnes and Noble, you’ve gotta do better than this!
To my feminist friends, SAVE YOUR EMAILS: YES – I know these statements about feminism refer to the OLD WORLD feminism… are skewed AWAY from the reality of most feminists today….. I’ve read the Manifesto! =) Bare with me…. The examples were simply used for dramatic effect, used to illustrate my point. =)
P.S. Bet you didn’t know this about me: I wrote – and self-published (i.e. printed and sold) – a book several years ago called “Feminism: Born Again” for the Christian market. Turned a few heads…. =) =) I think it was a few years before it’s time!
Well, Barnes and Noble sure went down in my book (excuse the pun). With the increasing numbers of women owning their own business and in the workforce–duh! Does anyone at B&N read some of the publications on their shelves to see what’s really happening in the world?
So, Michelle… I know you approached the manager and inquired about this, right? I know this was driving you nuts! And, quite frankly, I agree with you. If I were a woman, I would be offended by the obvious characterization they’re implying. I’m really surprised that the corporate marketing people at Barnes & Noble have let this one slip past them.
BTW, I don’t follow your blog and Facebook because just because I’m your friend. I also follow it because you’re a real smart lady, have a good business sense, great ideas, impecable ethics, and most important… you love God, your husband and family, and have everything prioritized correctly! I know your business is focused on women, but smart men would do well to follow your tips, too. Love ya, girl!
Tom, thanks so much! I had no idea you got my newsletter and stuff! That means a lot! =) Love you too! Tell Donna we said HI – and we miss you both!
I was in a conference meeting this morning with a CEO of a rather large company. He made the mistake of calling one of his corporate marketers a “girl.” I had to remind him that there were 3 other women business owners in the room and that it was bad form for him to use that word in reference to this person. So, I guess Barnes & Noble isn’t the only company with an “old boys network” attitude. It will be a nice change when these folks realize that women control more than 64% of the world’s economy. . . . it’s a shock, I know. But it is the truth!