Whether you call it The Secret, the Law of Attraction, the favor of God… In small business, this applies to YOU. Personally, I don’t particularly ascribe to the Law of attraction philosophy, preferring a much more practical “law,” the law of creation. Still….
This post is for anyone who doesn’t believe that their current reality and level of success (or lack of it) is a direct by-product of their own chosen mindset, a way of thinking, and belief system. To you, I say two things:
I used to think exactly the way you do. and
You are fooling yourself, as I was.
The truth is, no matter how dire or unsatisfactory your current reality, the circumstances you’re now tolerating — right now — are somehow acceptable to you.
Do you know how I know this? It is the same undeniable truth that changed my own thinking about this: There are certain thresholds… certain low points that you simply will not slide below — no matter what, right?
This isn’t just about financial or business thresholds, but it could also apply to fitness, weight, church attendance, whatever. We all have these standards that we simply do not — EVER — allow ourselves to slip below.
You with me still? Great. Because you know those people generating 20K, 30K, 50K or even six figures a month, every month? Well, we too have those bottom line, low point thresholds. They’re just HIGHER thresholds than others set for themselves.
In full transparency, my business “low point threshold” used to be “making ends meet.” That was my goal for my business when I first began. THAT was what I prayed for and worked towards in those early days. I wanted to help “make ends meet.” In short, I wanted to stay at home with my babies and not lose my home.
In my defense, I didn’t know anyone 17 years ago working profitably from home… and so just replacing my salary and making ends meet without leaving my kids in child care for a job seemed a lofty enough goal. But, this mindset led to the following reality: if my husband made an extra $3K in a particular month in his side gig business, guess what? I made $3K less than normal that month.
This went on for YEARS. I simply never got ahead, no matter what… I’d have one amazing month followed by 3 way less than amazing months. It was maddening and frustrating.
It was only when I realized, in prayer actually, that my goals for my business had never changed. I never re-calibrated my low point threshold. My mindset, the words I spoke to myself and over my business had never grown to reflect MY growth or my potential.
Finally… I rose up. I deliberately and boldly raised my low point threshold, the low point I wouldn’t DARE slip below,
And I beg you… implore you, really… to do the same. RAISE THAT LOW POINT THRESHOLD. DELIBERATELY & BOLDLY. WOW member, business coach and total rock star, Lisa Smith (Marketing, Mindset & Manifesting Coach) reminds us all that “Your income will rise or fall to meet the level of your expectation or belief of what you can have.” So, raise that baseline of BELIEF.
While I still don’t exactly fall into the “Law of Attraction” camp, I know that my low point threshold is MY CHOICE. It always has been.
And it is your choice too.
If you’re gonna choose anyway, why not recalibrate your “baseline” and choose to create abundance, wealth, and happiness?