GRAND OPENING! Or a grand RE-opening…. let’s celebrate together this week!
Today — Monday, June 17th kicks off a special week for us as self-bossers: National Small Business Week.
We’re HALF way through the year.
Click Here to Get Your Own (FREE) Mid Year Time-Out Workbook
MORE than HALF of all Americans either own or work for a small business.
Two out of every three jobs are created by US each year. Congratulations, thank you and you’re welcome, to ALL of us… Whether our business created “just” a job for ourselves, or also provides — part time or full time — for others… we’re doing a GREAT service to our country. Business is a NOBLE pursuit. I’m honored to be among you.
ONE. ONE is the number you need to keep in mind to ACHIEVE the business success you started out to create.
ONE. There’s only one person ultimately responsible for your success — or lack of success. It’s you. There’s only ONE person to congratulate in great times and one person to blame when things are “not so great.” It’s up to you. Always. Gloss over this truth to placate your ego — even occasionally — and it’ll cost you more than you imagine it could. As my coach said, “No one is coming. It’s up to you.” This can either be empowering or intimidating. Or both. But, when YOU embrace the fact that you are 100% responsible, you achieve far more.
ONE. A singular focus is the least-used, most powerful approach you can apply for MAXIMUM results your business. WHAT are you up to? Within “business hours,” deliberately cultivate a one-track-mind. Defy distraction and deposit more!
ONE. You can only talk to one potential client at a time. Slow down. Connect. Serve.
ONE. Admittedly, business can be overwhelming. There’s much to do and very few hands to share the load. (Sometimes, there’s only two!) BUT, keep this in mind. You can ONLY do ONE thing (well) at any one time. So, see your challenges and opportunities as coming towards you in a single file line. ONE at a time. Prioritize, then take action. This approach will keep you calm, tuned in to opportunities you may have missed before, and eliminate (or at least reduce, lol…) that “FRAZZLED” feeling we all hate.
Happy Small Business Week! Tell me how you’re celebrating!