This is not a rant. It’s far more than that, far more important… with much FARTHER reaching impact: it’s a reminder that you do NOT have to do business like “them.” You can do business ENTIRELY on your own terms…. and succeed wildly.
But mainly, to point out what I THINK is obvious:
even THEY
aren’t doing business
like they’re teaching you to do business.
There are so many — in this industry — who are doing one thing and selling another. I have LONG written about the ironies of this:
//// The man traveling to X number of cities in as many days to sell his “invisible (digital) cash machine.” Umm
//// Google ads selling google ads with a door to door salesman…
//// Mark Zuckerberg relying on print media to get his most important messages out.
But I have something many don’t:
I am BEYOND grateful that I began this journey before there were people popping up on every corner of the internet selling me “the way.” I began before business coaching was really a thing, and way before “internet marketing” became a thing, but that does NOT mean I was without mentors.
You see,
while internet marketing is a cool thing,
it is NOT a business. It’s a tool.
The same as speaking is a tool,
networking, content marketing and live stream videos are tools…
the same as promotional gadgets and car wraps are tools.
And we are all surrounded
every single day
by a myriad of businesses
in a myriad of industries
using a myriad of tools
to create jobs, success and a legacy.
The key for ALL of them (and for you) is ALWAYS to deploy TIMELESS PRINCIPLES with the TOOLS that you enjoy and have mastered!
Side note: The key will NEVER be to follow the leader, following their system, using the tools THEY are gifted at using.
Look, If my business depended on me…
🤔 being SILLY… say… jumping on a bed with a friend, lol…. or
🤔 traveling from place to place to demonstrate how successful I am… or
🤔 showing up at meeting after meeting with the same old 1-minute “commercial,”
well, I’d be hooking in no time…
(Or maybe looking for a legit job? Who knows….)
Because I didn’t have these “business schools” and certifications and leaders to follow, I got to carve my own path. Because I wasn’t FED so many LIES about what internet marketing WAS, what it HAD to require, what it DEMANDED of me, I got to BET ON ME.
I got to do it on my own terms,
I had the PRIVILEGE of making MY marketing engine something that I dearly love.
And I continue to succeed…
I continue to say that I’ll stack MY PROFIT against MANY industry leaders any day of the week.
Not to mention my peace and personal satisfaction, having built THIS empire as a complete custom build.
And if I can do it,
ANYONE OF YOU can do it.
I don’t tell you WHAT to do and SAY,
how to say it,
which syllables to stress,
which color to wear,
and the 14-step system that guarantees your sales page and launch will look like ALL the rest.
I show you how to infuse YOUR business with MORE of you… and how to create wild success ON YOUR OWN TERMS….
If you are READY to monetize this thing you’ve been pushing uphill both ways in the snow, I have something SO amazing for you, so AFFORDABLE, so RIGHT NOW RELEVANT… and I want you to take a look before you miss out!
it’s the LOVE my business bundle, and you won’t believe the PRICE nor what’s included. Sign up here: Project $10K Home Study Program 2020